Press Release From The Campaign For Dr. Maria Douglas For Kennedale ISD Place 3


I am Dr. Maria Douglas and excited to announce I am running for Kennedale ISD School Board Place 3.  I have lived in KISD since 2006 and am the mother of 6 children.  Over the years, I have served the Kennedale School District in a variety of ways. Some examples include serving concessions for home games, being a PTA member as well as PTA Treasurer.  Currently, I am a parent representative on the Kennedale School Health Advisory Committee as well as a member of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee.

My passion for child advocacy, began years ago when I was a foster/adoptive parent for 11 years.  During those years, I served on the Texas State Board of Foster Parents with the Department of Health and Human Services. As a regional rep., then legislative rep., I have extensive experience with the mission and operation of governing boards.  Parenting children who participate in sports, fine arts and academic events has been fun and rewarding.  Parenting children with unique gifts and talents as well as unique learning needs has given me a broad knowledge base and unique perspective. My appreciation for and value of cultural diversity, prompted me to host foreign exchange students from a variety of countries.  As a former Rotary member, my family hosted young adults in the international Rotaract program. The friendships and varying cultural experiences my children and I developed with these international students will be everlasting.

 As a psychologist by profession, I have devoted over 31 years to developing therapeutic and educational programs as well as providing services to those in need.  I have worked therapeutically with children, adolescents and ‘at-risk’ youth.  As an executive level manager, I have extensive experience with oversight, governance and process improvement.       

These are just a few examples of how my passion for children and education has been lived out.

Our kids and their education are indeed our future.  I want to serve so that I can; 

  • Be the extended voice of all stakeholders, teachers, parents, and the community.
  • Provide feedback and oversight for the district superintendent.
  • Help guide the direction and vision of KISD.
  • Ensure the budget reflects the district’s identified mission and priorities.
  • Address the school capacity challenges given the growth in Kennedale ISD.
  • Ensure policies & procedures secure the success of ALL students.
  • Contribute to a respectful, inclusive partnership with the City of Kennedale and the community at large.
  • Improve level of transparency. 

I bring a fresh perspective and am the BEST candidate to keep moving KISD toward academic excellence.  I would appreciate your vote.

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