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The Life-Saving Power of Seatbelts: My Story and Why You Should Buckle Up Every Time

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On February 5, 2023, my family’s life changed in an instant. What started as a simple trip to Target with my mom and little brother became the most traumatic experience of our lives. I was driving when we approached an intersection with a left-yield on yellow. Thinking it was clear, I made the turn—but another driver ran a red light. Within seconds, we were hit by two cars: one T-boned us, and the other hit the rear of our car. The impact was devastating.

Our car spun out of control, and chaos followed. Smoke filled the air as the car caught fire. My little brother was screaming, and my mom had blood splattered on her arms face and legs. I was having a panic attack as people stood by, filming with their phones instead of helping. It was the most horrifying day of our lives.

When we were rushed to the hospital, we found out that my mom had a broken pelvis in four spots, a broken leg, a broken tailbone, and internal bleeding. I was left with PTSD, and it took me nearly a year to feel comfortable driving again. But despite the trauma, we were alive—alive because we were wearing our seatbelts.

Why You Should Always Buckle Up

My story is just one of many, but it highlights a critical truth: seatbelts save lives. The simple act of buckling up is often the difference between walking away from an accident or becoming a statistic.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), seatbelts reduce the risk of death in a car crash by 45% for front-seat passengers. It’s not just about following the law; it’s about making a choice to protect yourself and your loved ones every single time you get into a car.

Join the Kaylie Mills Foundation in Raising Awareness

The Kaylie Mills Foundation was started in memory of Kaylie Mills, a young woman who tragically lost her life because she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Her family has turned their heartbreak into a powerful mission: to prevent others from experiencing the same loss. The foundation works tirelessly to promote seatbelt awareness, especially among young people, and to educate drivers about the life-saving importance of buckling up.

Take Action Today

As someone who’s lived through the trauma of a major car accident, I urge you to take action today. Start by making seatbelt use non-negotiable, whether you’re the driver or a passenger. Encourage your friends and family to do the same, and don’t be afraid to speak up if someone you’re riding with isn’t buckled in. Your voice could save a life. If you’re a parent, ensure that your children are always buckled up, even on short trips around town. Set an example by wearing your own seatbelt, no matter how familiar the roads are or how short the drive.

Spread the Word in Our Community

As part of my campaign with the Kaylie Mills Foundation, I encourage everyone in Kennedale to get involved in spreading seatbelt awareness. Let’s make sure no one in our community falls victim to something as preventable as not wearing a seatbelt. Share this article, talk to your loved ones, and make sure you’re always wearing your seatbelt every time you’re in the car. Here is the link to donate to this organization.

Together, we can make a difference. By sharing stories, raising awareness, and taking action, we can help prevent unnecessary tragedy on our roads. Buckle up—every time, no matter what.

Remember: Buckle Up. It’s the Law. It’s Your Life.

Here is the link to donate.

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