Fellowship Academy Football Has a New Home


By Meredith Rose

Fellowship Academy in Kennedale, TX, recently completed construction on its new, on-campus football field. The field is located on the northwest corner of the school’s 14-acre property and seats approximately 120 people with lots of open space to accommodate lawn chairs. Construction on the field was completed just in time for Fellowship’s Junior High football team to play their first home game of the season on campus.

“I’m excited about playing on our own home field,” said Jayson Lewis, Boys’ Athletic Director and football coach at Fellowship. “The level of pride in our school and athletic programs increased markedly with this development.”

The inaugural game on the new field was held on Sept. 23. Fellowship hosted Grace Classical Christian Academy and won with a score of 52-6, putting the team winning 5-0 for the season. The junior high team is currently 6-1 and is heading into the first round of playoffs. 

“We look forward to also hosting the first round of playoffs here as well, if the boys continue to win the way they are,” said Lewis. “The junior high school is the only team to play on the field this year, so they have the honor of being the first ever!” 

Prior to playing on campus, Fellowship hosted its home games at the Harold Patterson Sports Complex in Arlington and Southwest Christian School in Fort Worth.

“It’s not the same when your home games are still away,” said Lewis. “It feels amazing to walk out of our facility onto our field in our backyard. The boys have taken real ownership of the legacy building being seen here.”

Fellowship seeks to continue developing this new space and its athletic program in the coming years. Short term goals for the school include installing permanent light structures, a grandstand and fencing around the new field. Fellowship’s long term goal is to secure sponsorships and naming rights for its athletic facilities, which the school hopes will increase its recognition in the public.

Lewis borrowed from the popular movie Field of Dreams, saying of his belief in Fellowship’s new field: “If you build it, they will come.”

“I truly believe that this initial endeavor will go a long way in increasing enrollment and athletic participation here at Fellowship. I ultimately want to see this school grow and continue to graduate community shakers through our Christian education and extracurricular programs,” he said. “We need help to continue to push to new heights, so prayers, donations and volunteering are critical to our success. God provides — our goals are not too big for Him, and I know He’ll continue to send kingdom minded people to bless us in many ways. It’s a great day to be a Mustang!”

To learn more about Fellowship Academy or schedule a tour, visit fellowship-academy.org or call 817-483-2400.

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