A recent WalletHub.com report rated Texas 12th among the best school systems in the United States with a combined rating of #24 in school system quality and #5 in educational outcomes and safety. Texas was tied for second with lowest dropout rate. {{more}}
WalletHub used 12 areas to determine ratings:
- Presence of Public Schools from one State in Top 700 Best US Schools
- Remote Learning Opportunities from Online Public Schools
- Dropout Rates
- % of Children Who Repeated One or More Grades
- Bookworms Rank
- Pupil/Teacher Ratio
- Math Test Scores
- Reading Test Scores
- Safest Schools (Percentage of Public School Students in Grades 9?12 who Reported being Threatened or Injured with a Weapon on School Property)
- Bullying Incidents Rate
- Percentage of People (25+) with Bachelor?s Degree or Higher
- Champlain University High School Financial Literacy Grade