Kennedale WILL RECYCLE starting April 1

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Big Blue is coming.
Monday night, the Kennedale City Council voted to authorize City Manager Bob Hart to contract with Progressive Waste Solutions to begin a citywide recycling program.
Progressive Waste Solutions, the current waste management company for the City

of Kennedale, {{more}}instituted a trial program in the Steeplechase neighborhood of Kennedale last October.

After reviewing the results from the program, City Council members voted to expand the program across the city. The Keep

Kennedale Beautiful Commission had originally recommended that the City adopt the program.

The program is expected to begin April 1. The present program in Steeplechase will continue its weekly pick-up schedule.
Every household in Kennedale will receive a large blue bin on wheels to be used for recycling items by late March.
The program is expected to be similar to the one use in Steeplechase.
The recycling bins, placed on the curb, will be emptied once a week.
The current twice weekly garbage pick-up will continue with the same schedule days as before and should not change when recycling begins in April.
In the Steeplechase program, Wednesday was the day set aside for recycling alongside the weekly garbage pick-up. However, the exact day of the week for the full program has not be set yet.
There is no requirement to separate the recyclable items from each other.
Most glass, most plastic and almost all paper goods can be recycled and can be placed in the blue bin together.
A complete list of recyclable items along with non-recyclable items will be provided to each household prior to the roll-out of the new program April.

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