KISD Trustees Meets Thursday with a number of items

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The Board of Trustees of the Kennedale Independent School District will hold a regular monthly meeting this Thursday, May 17 at 7:00 PM at the Kennedale High School Media Center, 901 Wildcat Way, in Kennedale. {{more: continue …}}
The Board is scheduled to discuss the possible increase in the district contribution to employee health insurance premiums, the resurfacing of the tracks at both the junior high and high school, a report on substitute pay, laptop purchases for teachers, the possible redemption of tax bonds (series 2011) and proposals concerning the district land located on Sublett Road and adjacent to the new Kroger store involving easement and drainage.
Agenda …?
The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as listed in the following published agenda. Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on this meeting notice.
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.

6. CONSENT AGENDA -?All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the consent agenda by a Trustee for discussion.

A. Approval of Minutes

B. Financial Statement

C. Bills Payable

D. Report of Tax Assessor Collector

E. Budget Amendment #3

F. Approve purchasing cooperative agreements

G. Approve Goalbook Toolkit agreement

H. Approve Education Service Center Region 11 Benefits Cooperative Interlocal Agreement Resolution

I. Approve the ESC 11 Contracts for Services for the 2018-2019 school year

J. Approve agreement with Tarrant County for collection of taxes for the tax year 2018

K. Approve laptop purchase for teachers

L. Adopt Resolution to Consider Alternative Graduation Requirements

M. Foreign Exchange Waiver

N. Approve MOU with the Educational Foundation
A. Consider all matters incident and related to the defeasance of certain outstanding ?Kennedale Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2011? and the redemption thereof, including the adoption of an order pertaining thereto
B. Receive, Discuss and Consider a proposal for floodplain study submitted by Dunaway Associates. Provide additional guidance and authority to Superintendent concerning proposal for KISD property located on Sublett Road (closed session as per Texas Government Code 551.072)
C. Receive, Discuss and Consider a drainage study report prepared by Dunaway Associates. Provide additional guidance and authority to Superintendent to move forward with negotiating the proposed drainage easement across KISD property located on Sublett Road. (closed session as per Texas Government Code 551.072)
D. Approve resurface and reline of tracks at high school and jr. high
E. Consider increase in district contribution for health insurance
F. Discuss and consider personnel needs of the district (closed session as per Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074, if needed)

1. Resignations

2. Hiring of personnel

3. Other matters concerning personnel (Closed Session)
G. Superintendent’s Report

1. District Improvement Plan

2. Substitute pay report

3. Campus reports from Principals and ACE Director
H. Board Discussion
1. Discuss Upcoming Meetings and Dates
a. June Regular Board Meeting
2. Summer Leadership Institute


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