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Saturday, September 21, 2024

City offers help for home improvements

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housing repairs including ADA refits …
The City of Kennedale is partnering with the Tarrant County Community Development & Housing to offer funds to eligible Kennedale residents for housing repairs including roofing, plumbing, weatherization, foundation, and electrical.? {{more: continue ?}}

The home owner rehabilitation program offers a housing rehabilitation program to Tarrant County residents living outside the boundaries of the cities of Fort Worth, Arlington and Grand Prairie. Rehabilitation includes major system failures, which includes roof, foundation, electrical and plumbing. ADA barrier removal is also provided and ADA friendly features are added to improve living standards.
Eligibility …?

To be eligible, you must meet the following qualifications:
  • Have an annual income at or below the HUD established income limits; and?
  • Own your home (place of residence for at least one year; and?
  • Have no more than two liens placed against your property; and
And meet at least one of the following criteria:?
  • Person with disabilities
  • 62 years of age or older
  • Family with dependent children living at home (under age 18)
People in Household and HUD Income Limit
1 – $42,150
2 – $48,150
3 – $54,150
4 – $60,150
5 – $65,000
6 – $69,800
7 – $74,600
8 – $79,400
Funding Sources …
Tarrant County receives federal funding through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships Block Grant Program. The City of Kennedale provides the required 30% matching funds for eligible residents. This program aims to benefit low- to moderate-income residents by repairing and improving owner-occupied single-family homes.
For more information, call 817-985-2133 or email Community Development.
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