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Saturday, February 22, 2025

2018 MAYOR: Candidate Jan Joplin

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Candidate Statement …?
Kennedale has seen some significant changes in recent years. These changes have impacted our lives directly and in many ways. The startling increase in water rates was the final confirmation for thousands of residents that the several years? worth of decisions made by city leadership, {{more: continue …}}however well intentioned, had finally brought us to a point at which we as a community could no longer ignore what was happening to us.

As you may know, our city council is made up of five members and a mayor. While the five members always vote, the mayor votes only to break a tie. It would be reasonable to conclude that three people in agreement on our council would be enough to bring about improvement. This is not the case. You may ask, ?Why is this??

Until this month (March), the mayor controlled our meeting agendas. Only after several months and tremendous efforts were we able to address this barrier.

In other words, one person had the power to either allow or deny discussion and vote on an issue.

Since gaining a majority on our city council is not enough to implement the solutions the people are asking for, it has become apparent that we must elect a mayor who commits to allowing open discussion and advancement of the mandate which was made clear in the last election.

I believe now, as I did when you first elected me to serve on this city council, that people deserve honesty and transparency from their local government. It is reasonable to expect no less, since the very existence of the city is dependent on the people?s money. The voice of the people must therefore be heard.

I further believe that our water bills are not to be used as a hedge against what has been a combination of financial mistakes and outright abuses of the common wealth.

If elected, my focus will be to:

1. Continue reducing water/sewer rates

2. Protect and strengthen essential services

3. Build a more transparent and inclusive meeting atmosphere, including clear agenda access

I am a devout Christian, loving mother, devoted wife, grandmother of 6 granddaughters, and resident of Kennedale for 23 years. I enjoy walking, biking, hiking, camping, bird watching (nature in general), time with family, friends and my hundreds of cousins. I currently serve on your city council and as Mayor Pro Tem.

My background in management has given me twenty-five years of working with service issues, project management, multi-million dollar budgets, negotiation of large and complex contracts, facilitation of corporate communication (both within the U.S. and internationally), executive level strategies including emergencies, communication, expectations, personnel performance evaluations, vendor performance evaluations, promoting companies and people.

This May election will be the first time in over a decade that the people of Kennedale will have a choice for mayor. I ask for your vote.

Mark your calendars now for early voting dates April 23rd ? May 1st. Election Day May 5th

Contact me at [email protected]?or call my cell phone at 817-690-3821.

Visit my website janjoplinformayor.com and follow me on facebook at janjoplinformayor.

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