Last Thursday evening, August 25, the KISD Board of Trustees met in regular session and approved the 2016-17 school budget along with a supporting tax rate. {{more: Read more …}}
Board President {{t2:John Hunt:}} opened a public hearing on the budget and tax rate and no one was there to speak or to ask questions. Later under New Business, the Trustees passed both without discussion.
The new budget allows for $27,920,339.00 in the general fund, $1,408,640.00 in the lunchroom program and $3,512,776.00 for debt service for an overall total of $32, 841,755.00. This represents a 2.1% increase over last year?s proposed budget of $32,157,788.00. The budget is posted on the KISD website at About Us/Required Postings/Budget Information or click KISD Budget Information
There were only three new positions built into this budget this year – a new assistant band director (related to the growth of the program at the intermediate and junior high level), a new career technology teacher (CT) and a full-time special education teacher at the high school (change from half-time to full related to growth in the program). The new budget does provide a $1500.00 raised for teachers and a 2% increase for all other staff.
The adopted tax rate remains the same as last year of $1.486724 per $1000 valuation, but since property valuations were much higher this year (average 17%) the amount collected will fund the new budget without increasing the present tax rate. The average KISD resident will see an increase of $338.37 in their school district property bill. View official notice published 8/15/2016To learn more about exemptions that might help with your property taxes read more at Public Hearing on Budget and Tax Rate – KNews
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Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent {{t2:Gary Dugger:}}, the Board did add a new position that would be covered by state funds. This position was not in the new budget and will require an amendment to the new budget. The new position that will be added will be called SHARS/Position Control Specialist.
Shars refers to the Texas School Health and Related Services program that falls under Special Education and that provides services to eligible students. It allows for school districts to request Medicaid reimbursement for certain health-related services that have been deemed medically necessary and reasonable to ensure that children with disabilities are able to participate in the school?s educational program.The new job would assist the school in making sure that all guidelines, procedures and related paperwork are maintained as prescribed by law. This position will be professional grade and require certification.
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