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Friday, October 18, 2024

An Open Letter to City Manager Bob Hart

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Submitted to the Kennedale News by Michael R. Walker, Ed.D., MBA, J.D.
Over the past few months our community has been engaged in a lively debate over our new water rates. {{more:[read full letter]}}The purpose of this letter is not to debate the merits of either side of this discussion but rather to encourage that the discussion occurs in an appropriate climate with civility and proper decorum.
While the vast majority of those with concerns over the water rates have been respectful and are looking to help solve the problem, a couple of the more vocal opponents have argued that you, as our city manager, are responsible for our city?s problems and should be replaced. They have attacked you professionally and personally. Although you have not requested our support, we do not believe these attacks are based in fact.
Many of the challenges Kennedale, a small city in the DFW Metroplex, faces were inherited by you when you were hired. These are problems that cannot be ?fixed? overnight or even in nine years. The problems have to be solved incrementally, and often involve finding methods to fund expensive infrastructure problems. For a bedroom community, such as Kennedale, we have to increase the diversity of our tax base to spread out the cost of services. This requires us to improve the city?s image and infrastructure.
You have been responsible for a number of positive changes in Kennedale during your tenure. Some visible changes include:
  • Closing the ?sexually oriented businesses? (SOBs) which were a blight on our community,
  • Bringing development to the area formerly inhabited by the SOBs (QT, Burger King, Popeye?s, McDonalds),
  • Town Center Development,
  • Creating 2 new parks and refurbishing Sonora Park,
  • Major road developments (Little Rd., Bowman Springs & Sublett),
  • Developing an asset management plan for the city,
  • Bringing in millions of dollars of grant money for city projects,
  • Police dept. recognized by Texas Police Chief?s Association for ?Best Practices,?
  • Texas Comptroller repeatedly recognizing the city for financial transparency,
  • Building a culture that enabled the City Council to be named 2011 City Council of the Year, and
  • Working with local universities, state and federal agencies, etc. to obtain thousands of dollars of ?free labor? for city projects.

While this list is not exhaustive it clearly shows why you have our continued support. Your critics may not be aware of your contribution to our community, but many of us who have served in various leadership, board, and committee positions including our city council, advisory boards, school board, Rotary Club or Chamber of Commerce have had the opportunity to work with you and experience the high ethical standards and care for the community that you bring as you endeavor to better Kennedale. You are a man of good character and Kennedale has benefitted greatly from your management and citizenship in our town.

Again, we understand that not all of the citizens who have concerns about the water rates have participated in this criticism of you. However, we want to go on the record in support of you and the job you are doing as city manager!

Brian Johnson, Mayor
Kelly Turner, Mayor Pro Tem
Frank Fernandez, City Council Place 5
Dr. Charles Overstreet, City Council Place 1
Dr. Liz Carrington, City Council Place 2
Dr. Mike Walker, City Council Place 3; Past Pres., KISD School Board & Bd. of Dir., Ken. Rotary Club
Ronnie Nowell, Former Kennedale City Council member
Andy Nguyen, Tarrant County Commissioner, Precinct 2
John Hunt, President, KISD School Board
Joe Taylor, Vice President, & Past Pres., KISD School Board & Bd. of Dir., Ken. Chamber of Commerce
Leslie Cruthers, Secretary, KISD School Board
Shawn Ham, KISD School Board Trustee
John Clark, KISD School Board Trustee; Chair, Board of Adjustment & former Mayor
Capt. Jack Dalrymple, USN, Ret., KISD School Board Trustee & Past Pres., Kennedale Rotary Club
Ernest Harvey, Chair, Planning and Zoning Commission
Stephen Brim, P.E., Land Development Project Mgr; Planning and Zoning Commission
Carolyn Williamson, Planning and Zoning Commission
Harry Browne, Planning and Zoning Commission
James Ragsdale, former member, Planning and Zoning Commission
Ron Whitley, Kennedale Economic Development Corporation & President, Kennedale Rotary Club
Martin Young, Board of Adjustment
Pat Vader, Board of Adjustment
Michael Chandler, Chair, Keep Kennedale Beautiful; Parks & Recreation Board
Vickie Chandler, Keep Kennedale Beautiful
Rebecca Clark, Chair, Kennedale Library Board
Robert Mundy, President, Kennedale Economic Development Corp. & former Mayor
Becky Carlton, Ken. Economic Development Corp. & Chair, Bd. of Dir., Ken. Chamber of Commerce
Adrienne Kay, Kennedale Economic Development Corp.
Pat Turner, Kennedale Economic Development Corp.
Mike Johnson, Kennedale Economic Development Corp. & Bd. of Dir., Ken. Chamber of Commerce
Carl Hull, Board of Directors, Kennedale Area Chamber of Commerce & local business owner
Tom Hala, Board of Directors and Past Chair, Kennedale Area Chamber of Commerce
Monica Collier, Head Administrator, Fellowship Academy & Bd. of Dir., Ken. Chamber of Commerce
Monty Johnson, Board of Directors, Kennedale Area Chamber of Commerce & local business owner
Jack Thompson, Executive Director, Kennedale Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer Chandler, Brickworks Scholarship winner
Roy Stott, President, Steeplechase Home Owners Association
Grady Fuller, Vice President, Steeplechase Home Owners Association
Len Fuller, Secretary, Steeplechase Home Owners Association
Chief Mike McMurray, Kennedale Fire Department & Kennedale Rotary Club
Dr. Lori Glover, Secretary, Kennedale Rotary Club & former KISD School Board Trustee
Lamar Saxon, President-Elect, Kennedale Rotary Club
Norm King, Past President, Kennedale Rotary Club
Susan Dalrymple, Past President, Kennedale Rotary Club
Pastor Greg Adams, Landmark Baptist Church & Kennedale Rotary Club
Zach Carnley, Kennedale Rotary Club

Wayne Simmons, Kennedale Rotary Club

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