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Thursday, February 20, 2025

An Open Letter to all City of Kennedale Water Utility Customers from City Manager George Campbell

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?Regarding?water/sewer reduction and billing …
On Monday, September 17, the City Council approved Ordinance 652, reducing water and sewer rates. This ordinance was adopted with an effective date of October 1, 2018. {{more: continue …}}
Despite efforts to have these reduced rates reflected on bills received during the first week of November (for October service), there was insufficient time to complete the implementation. Consequently, most ? if not all ? of the bills mailed to customers were somewhat higher than they would have been under the recently adopted rates.
Staff is working closely with the billing company to implement the updated rates for bills that will be mailed beginning in December and to include on that December bill a credit for any over charge that may have occurred. Again, although every effort is being made to have credits issued in December, it is possible that such a credit will not appear on your bill until January.?

We apologize for any inconvenience that this delay in implementation of the new rates has caused, and appreciate your patience as we apply the new rates and issue appropriate credits to accounts as quickly as is possible.


George Campbell
City Manager

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