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Sunday, February 23, 2025

A new look for KISD Board – change is in the air

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Last night [Thursday, February 21, 2019] was the regular monthly meeting of the Kennedale Independent School District, which occurs the third Thursday of each month. However, this one was special because it represented a change and a new look for the KISD Board. {{more: continue …}}?
It wasn?t the agenda. It included the usual – board recognitions; Texas Association of School Board (TASB) updates to school policies; the ever present consent agenda that include the monthly financials; several action items; consideration of personnel needs; the superintendent’s report; and, the upcoming dates and board training opportunities.
In years past, this would be a thirty minute meeting minus special recognitions and honors or closed sessions. Meetings without these add ons would begin at 7 and over at least by 8 if not earlier.
an animated and genuine discussion …?
The difference this time was that there was an animated and?genuine discussion on several of the items on the agenda. Items were debated and the board members including the board president seemed to enjoy it. If you were in the audience, you were able to actually learn something about whatever the action item was been considered. And you would know that these items were being seriously considered. Not that they weren?t before, but, here was tangible proof. There was not just a simple reading of the item,a? motion made and the item passed.

if you like open and responsive government ?

But something that really is important news for those who like representative governance that is open and responsive is the decision to publish agendas with explanations or links to action items. Before all that was published was a simple list of items to be considered.When you combined that with the absence of discussion about agenda items, the general public was left clueless.
Now anyone can see and learn about items up for discussion. This does not happen in most small school district. Kennedale will be amoung a handful of? 4A school districts in North Texas that offers this type of agenda option.?
Thanks to all who made this possible ?
Whether it was the influence of new Superintendent Gee, who seems comfortable with it all, or it was the will of the Board, who is to say. Next month, if all goes well, anyone who wants to see most, if not all of the agenda packet, can go online prior to the meeting at the KISD webpage? the School Board tab and download the agenda packet. (Items that cover personnel information or that are subject to closed sessions will not be included in the agenda packet).
Then when you either attend the meeting or view the video of the meeting afterwards, you will be able to understand what action has been taken on your behalf. These videos are available within 24/48 hours after the meeting and the video option applies only to regular monthly meetings and not special meetings. Videos are available at the KISD website under the School Board tab or maybe view on the School Board page of the Kennedale News.? The current video is available now along with the prior month’s video.?Read more at School News ? School

Board or KISD School Board Videos

Maybe other changes will happen sooner than later …?
The next step for this District of Innovation is to allow individual email addresses for board members as opposed to one shared email address that goes through the administration office. But for now, what the Board is doing is a huge step forward.
The next time you see a board member or the superintendent, thank them. This is a step into the unknown for them, however positive other may see it.

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