Home Archive Arlington begins preliminary work on Sublett Road redo

Arlington begins preliminary work on Sublett Road redo


No firm date set for actual construction …

If you travelled Sublett between the Kennedale city limits and US 287 recently, you noticed the surveyors alongside the road, especially around the little bridge {{more: continue …}}where cars, delivery trucks, school buses, walkers, joggers and cyclists converge to cross. It means change is coming.

bond program included 13M for Sublett project ?

Last year, Arlington voters approved a bond program that included funds for the widening of the road and the small bridge from the new Kroger entrance to the city limits of Kennedale.
This has long been a pet project of Joe Taylor, former KISD board member and president, who worried about students walking home over the bridge and along the road without sidewalks. He was a frequent visitor to Arlington City Hall to ask for help. Former Tarrant County Commissioner Andy Nguyen joined in the cause and both appealed to the City of Arlington and City Council Member Sheri Capehart to help alleviate the problem.
Arlington listened and included the project in the bond program last fall that voters approved. The Sublett Road project was listed at $13,035.000. Some of this amount may be committed to road work already completed.
sometime between now and 2025 …??
Arlington gave the follow information about the bond program saying that it is intended to last for five years. The City anticipates selling the first substantial amount debt from this program in 2020. From there, each year a portion of debt will be issued in the form of bonds. The program is slated to be finished by 2025. The majority of construction will happen during this window as well.?
A schedule is in the process of being developed for all the projects listed. Let?s hope

that Arlington list this one project as one to be done sooner than later.

While some may think that this portion of Sublett on the outskirts of the city is of little concern to Arlington, it needs to be pointed out that nearly half of the KISD school population resides in the Arlington city

limit while attending Kennedale schools and related activities.? The road is well travelled by both Kennedale and Arlington residents.?
