On Thursday, February 18, 2016, the Board of Trustees of theKennedale Independent School District will hold a Regular Meeting at 7:00 PM at
the Kennedale High School Media Center, 901 Wildcat Way, Kennedale, Texas. The Board will consider the following agenda. {{more: [Read more]}}
1. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance
5. PUBLIC COMMENTS ?Welcome to this meeting of the Kennedale Independent School District. The Board is always pleased to have citizens attend its meetings and welcomes comments during the public comment part of the meeting. Public participation is limited to this designated portion of the meeting. However, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Board Members cannot discuss or vote on issues not posted on the agenda. At all other times during the Board Meetings, the audience is not permitted to enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. Negative or disparaging remarks about District personnel will not be tolerated. Please limit comments to five (5) minutes per speaker. Please sign up before the opening of the meeting.
6. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the consent agenda by a Trustee for discussion. If you have questions regarding one of these items, please call the Superintendent prior to the meeting so that more information can be obtained and ready at the meeting.
A. Approval of MinutesB. Financial StatementC. Bills PayableD. Report of Tax Assessor Collector
A. Approve Texas Academic Intervention CommitteeB. Appoint the 2015-2016 Student Health Advisory Council MembersC. Discuss and consider the 2016-2017 School CalendarD. Order 2016 School Trustee ElectionE. Discuss and consider personnel needs of the district (closed session as per TexasGovernment Code 551.071 and 551.074, if needed)
1. resignations/retirements2. hiring of personnel3. other matters concerning personnel
F. Superintendent’s Report
1. Enrollment Update2. Campus Reports from Principals and ACE Program Director3. Continuing Education Update
G. Board Discussion
1. Discuss upcoming meetings and dates
a. Date for Special Work Session Meetingb. Date for March Regular Board Meeting