CS Teams top 3 finisher among area schools

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Since January, the Kennedale High School Computer Science Teams have been busy collected silver and bronze along with a little gold. Kennedale has one of the top CS competitve programs in Class 4A and often wins out over 5A and 6A teams. {{more:[read more]}}

February 3rd, {{t2:Carson Ham: }} Carson Ham took 1st Place and {{t2:Jonathan Zielinski: }} placed 4th in a Class 4A Virtual Meet. And, out of a total of 492 competitors statewide in all classes, Ham finished 2nd and Zielinski placed 15th .

On January 9th, a Kennedale CS team (pictured above) took 2nd and 3rd place at the Mansfield Timberview Invitational which included 20 teams from around the area. Carson Ham placed 3rd of all competitors and Jonathan Zielinski place 4th.

February 13th, another {{t2:Kennedale CS team: }} had a 3rd place finish among 25 schools in a meet at Mansfield Legacy High School. In that meet, Zielinski finished in 5th place among all competitors.

Other news …

{{t2:Samatha Randolph: }}, a CSS member and KHS senior was recently accepted at the University of Southern California. The Computer Science Society (CSS) is an recognized club at Kennedale High School.

{{t2:Matthew Webb: }}, KHS senior, has earned his Microsoft

Technology Associate certification. A Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is an introductory

Microsoft certification for individuals considering a career in technology.

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