Home Archive City Council Agenda for Thursday

City Council Agenda for Thursday


(Update – all items were approved 2/15/2013)?
? ? ?Thursday, February 14 beginning at 7 p.m., the Kennedale City Council will meet in regular session to take action on the following items.?
  • Presentation of Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Award of Financial Reporting Achievement to City of Kennedale Finance Department for year ending September 30, 2011 and Sakura Moten-Dedrick, Director of Finance & Information Technology. {{more}}
  • A Proclamation regarding the Celebration Rally for Texas public schools. At this time the Mayor will issue a proclamation regarding the Public Education Rally. The rally will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 7:30 ? 9:30 p.m. at the MISD Center for the Performing Arts, 1110 West Debbie Lane, Mansfield, TX 76063
  • City Manager Bob Hart will report to the Council on several events in the near future:

Feb 22 – Art in the Park Silent Auction at Reds Roadhouse

March 2 – Texas Independence Day Parade from 11AM-5PM

March 30 – Recycling event with KKB in TownCenter

April 5, 6, 7 – Art in the Park

May 18 – Bark in the Park/Kidfish/National Kids to Parks day in Sonora Park
  • Approval of meeting minutes from January 10, 2013 regular meeting and January 31, 2013 governance workshop.
  • Discuss and consider authorizing temporary permission to Art in the Park to sell alcohol in TownCenter Park during the Art in the Park event from April 5, 2013 through April 7, 2013.
  • Consider accepting the 2012 Racial Profiling Report.
  • Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $69,600.00 with Corrosion Eliminators, Inc. for emergency repairs to the the T-2 750,000 gallon standpipe.
  • Final acceptance of and payment on the Little School Road Improvement project with Conatser Construction. Recommendation is to retain $19000 of the $55,662.70 total due until items that have not met specifications are completed leaving $36,662.70 to pay now. The items still to be met are the establishment of Bermuda grass in the medians and the planting of certain species of crape myrtles.
  • Public hearing and consideration of an an Ordinance regarding case # PZ 12-08, a request by Bowerman Oil & Gas for a zoning change from ?R-3? Single Family Residential district to ?AG? Agricultural district for a portion of Lot 1R, Block A, Bowerman Addition, being approximately 2.610 acres at 205 N Joplin (formerly 1309 Swiney Hiett).
  • Public Hearing to approve and pledge City funding for the 39th Year Community Development Block Grant project to replace sanitary sewer lines and manholes on Caylebait Drive.
  • Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the city to pledge funding in the amount of $33,043.00 toward the 39th year Community Development Block Grant project with Tarrant County to replace sanitary sewer lines and manholes on Caylebait Drive in Kennedale.
  • Consider approval of an Ordinance providing for the appointment of prescribed magistrates Sakura Moten Dedrick and Tiffany Panhallegon-Oakes for the Kennedale Municipal Court.


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