The People?s Champ!
My name is Jeff Nevarez and I am running for City Council Place 1. For ten years, I have served this community selflessly. You have asked for true leadership, and I am answering your call. Kennedale is the best town in Texas, not because of the small town feel but because of the people.{{more: continue …}}
I am a UTA graduate and owner of I have a lovely wife and 3 lovely daughters. I have lived in Kennedale since 2006 and I have served this community since 2009.
?I am a firm believer in servitude to one?s church, community, and family. When I am not volunteering in Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas, and the United States, I enjoy watching re-runs of Star Trek (all of them). I am a 3rd Generation Deep Sea Fisherman and enjoy fishing, when I can get to the ocean.?Proven Leadership and Community Service
- Local Small Business Owner
- Former Ambassador and long-time Member of the Chamber of Commerce
Guest Speaker for Events all over the world for Technology Expertise
- Founder, Arlington?s Teen Court
- Kennedale?s Art & Culture Board Member (1 term) 100% Attendance
- Kennedale?s Park Board Member (Current, 3 terms) 100% Attendance
- Kennedale?s BBB/BOA Member (Current, 4 terms) 100% Attendance
- Member of Kennedale?s Historic Society
- Director & Sergeant-in-Arms for Kennedale?s Rotary Club
- Hispanic Advisory Committee for Congressman Joe Barton
Future Advisory Committee for Congressman Ron Wright
- Delegate for the Texas Republican Convention SD10
- Founder/Director of Kennedale?s Concert in the Park (Current, 3 years)
- Director of Entertainment for Kennedale?s Art in the Park (2 terms)
Parade Director for Kennedale?s Texas Independence Day Parade (5 Years)
- Director of Parking Logistics for Colonial Golf Tournament (8 years)
- UTA Alumni
- Teacher for Kennedale?s Senior Citizen Class for Computers
- Blue Banquet Sponsor for 2019
- Broken Arrow Boyscout
Focus on Growth?My goal is to get the bureaucracy out of the way of growth for our city. The growth is here, now. We have been preparing for over a decade to clean up our city?s image, to bring in new developments. That time is here.?Community Health?I have been on the front line of community events for the last decade. To have a healthy community, we need to have community events. Especially in a small town. I find a direct correlation between events being canceled and our current state of division within the city. That is why, I created the Concert in the Park to support our Local Food bank. My plan was to bring our neighbors together with an event that has a righteous goal. I am excited that each year this event has grown, and we have great plans with it this year. I will encourage and promote groups that want to host community events.?Our Parks?I have been privileged to serve on the Park?s Board for many years. One initiative that I am proud of is bringing the lack of Park?s funds to the attention of both the board and current council. I have utilized potential Eagle Scouts Projects to enhance our Parks but, more importantly, brought the attention of a lack of budget for the upkeep and improvements to Sanora Park and its baseball fields. Moving forward we need to have a bond to create a sports complex in Kennedale to support local youth activities. By doing this, we can hold tournaments at our fields. Tournaments will create revenue for the park?s maintenance. If I become your representative, I will champion a public bond election to cover this (and other) Park improvement projects.?Our Security?I truly believe we have a safe community. That is because of our Police Department. However, in 2008 budget cuts required KPD to release two officers. This has caused a problem to the stress of our on-duty police. On most nights of the week, we have two officers on duty. For Officer?s safety, it takes two officers to address suspicion of crimes during a traffic stop. That leaves zero on patrol. This is also a problem if one of those police officers has to do a drop-off at a Jail or a Mental Health facility. To complete these tasks, an Officer must leave the city limits, leaving only one officer on duty. Another scenario would be a traffic wreck or incident on the Kennedale Parkway. You would need 2 officers to control traffic and the scene, leaving zero on patrol. I have spoken to both the Police Chief and Captain, and they have explained the need for 1-3 officers. If I am elected, I will champion the immediate hiring of 1 officer, with the hopes of scaling the other two the following years.
?Budget?This leads me to the budget. According to the Finance Director of Kennedale, we are in a deficit spending. The projection, if we stay on this course, is that we will be in the red by 2021. In the last two years, council has reduced revenue and dramatically reduced property taxes leading to the cause of this conundrum. As your representative, I will encourage development of Retail Shops to improve Tax Revenue for the city. I will support removing bureaucracy out of the way of small business growth for our area. This will alleviate the burden to the landowners of Kennedale. The city must have an adequate budget to function and provide the services that we all want. We all want superior parks, improved roads, focused growth, and community events. By increasing revenue for the city, we can rely less on debt to accomplish this.?Vote For The People?s Champ?I have participated for over 10 years in the conversation of the direction of the city. Through my hard work, dedication and love for my community, I have brought together different groups to accomplish huge goals. I am asking you to give me a bigger voice and vote for me this May. I run a 24/7 business, you may contact me directly by my cell anytime. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, I am your humble servant.??Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,?
~Mathew 20:26?Cell: 817-791-6698
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