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City Council Regular Meeting – March 16, 2015

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The Kennedale City Council will meet in regular session today, March 16, 2015 at the City Hall Council Chambers, 405 Municpal Drive. All meetings are open to the public. The Work Session begins at 5:30 p.m. and the Regular Session starts at 7:00 p.m. {{more}}
City Council Agenda:
I. Call To Order

II. Work Session

*NOTE: Pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the work session or the regular session to discuss posted executive session items or to seek legal advice from the City Attorney on any item posted on the agenda.

A. Receive FY13/14 audit findings from Patillo, Brown & Hill.

B. Council Budget Planning Session – May 16 (Including two Capstone presentations and Interaction with International Fellows)

C. Creation of Development Code Advisory Committee

D. Receive and review the 2014 year-end report of the Police Department’s Uses of Force

E. Discuss Police body cameras

F. Discussion of items on regular agenda

III. Regular Session
IV. Roll Call
V. Invocation

VIII. Visitor/Citizens Forum

At this time, any person with business before the Council not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Council. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting.

IX. Reports/Announcements

In addition to any specific matters listed below, the city council may receive a report about items of community interest, including but not limited to recognition of individual officials, citizens or departments, information regarding holiday schedules, upcoming or attended events, etc.

A. Updates from City Council

B. Updates from the Mayor

1. Proclamation presentation to Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County – March for Meals

C. Updates from the City Manager

1. Governance Report

2. Balanced Scorecard

X. Consent Items

All matters listed under consent agenda have been previously discussed, require little or no deliberation, or are considered to be routine by the council. If discussion is desired, then an item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.

A. Consider approval of minutes from February 16, 2015 regular meeting
B. Consider approval of a Municipal Advisory Agreement with SAMCO Capital Markets, Inc.
C. Approval to award bid and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Dowager Utility Construction, Ltd for the construction of water and wastewater improvements on Bloxom Road, Kennedale, Texas
D. Consider approval of the Interlocal Agreement for Rabies Control with the City of Fort Worth
E. Consider approval of contract extension until January 31, 2020 for solid waste and recycle collection with Progressive Waste Solutions of Texas, Inc.

F. Consider approval of Resolution 447 authorizing the submission of a grant application for Police Body Cameras

XI. Regular Items
A. Discuss and consider approval of Ordinance 568 amending the FY2013-14 budget.
B. Discuss and consider action for approval of Independent Auditor’s Report for year ended September 30, 2014.
C. CASE # PZ 15-01 Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance 566 approval regarding a request by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. for a zoning change from ?C-0? Retail commercial district to ?C-1? Restricted commercial district for approximately 1.014 acres at 4850 US 287 Hwy, legal description of Southwest Crossing Addition Block 1R Lot 2.

1. Staff presentation

2. Applicant presentation

3. Public hearing

4. Applicant response

5. Staff response and summary

6. Action by the City Council

D. Consider approval of an Ordinance 567 amending the city’s schedule of administrative fees.

XII. Executive Session
A. The City Council may meet in closed session at any time during the work session or the regular session, pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code for consultation with the City Attorney pertaining to any matter in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct may conflict with the Open Meetings Act, including discussion on any item posted on the agenda and the following items:

1. Legal issues relative to amortization

2. Legal issues relative to a development agreement
XIII. Reconvene Into Open Session
A. Take Action Necessary Pursuant To Executive Session, If Needed
XIV. Adjournment
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Kennedale will provide for reasonable accommodations for persons attending City Council meetings. This building is wheelchair accessible, and parking spaces for disabled citizens are available. Requests for sign interpreter services must be made forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meetings. Please contact the City Secretary at 817.985.2104 or (TDD) 1.800.735.2989

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