City Council to discuss speed limits and future transportation plan

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Among items that the Kennedale

City Council will consider on Monday will be making the speed limit along Kennedale Parkway 40 miles per hour; canceling the May elections for lack of opposing candidates; and, holding a public hearing on a proposed update on the future transportation plan for the Kennedale Comprehensive Land Use Plan. {{more:[read more]}}

The Kennedale City of Council will meet on Monday March 21 with the regular session beginning at 7 p.m. in the Kennedale City Council Chambers at 405 Municipal Drive withthe Work Session at 5:30 pm and the Regular Session at 7:00 pm. All meetings are open to the public.
WORK SESSION … 5:30 pm
Pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the work session or the regular session to discuss posted executive session items or to seek legal advice from the City Attorney on any item posted on the agenda.
  • Joint meeting with the Library Advisory Board ? Community Conversation led by Amanda King
  • Review Progressive Landfill expansion application submittal
  • Discussion of items on regular agenda
  • VISITOR/CITIZENS FORUM – At this time, any person with business before the Council not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Council. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting.
  • REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS – In addition to any specific matters listed below, the city council may receive a report about items of community interest, including but not limited to recognition of individual officials, citizens or departments, information regarding holiday schedules, upcoming or attended events, etc.

A. Updates from City Council

B. Updates from the Mayor

C. Updates from the City Manager

A. Monthly Financials ? February 2016

B. Executive Limitations
C. Ends Review ? Balanced Scorecard
A. Tarrant County College facility review briefing
Click for Staff Report

B. Discuss and approve calendar for FY2016?2017 budget preparations
  • REQUIRED APPROVAL ITEMS (CONSENT) – All matters listed under incidental items (consent) have been previously discussed, require little or no deliberation, or are considered to be routine by the council. If discussion is desired, then an item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.

A. Consider approval of minutes from February 15, 2016 meeting

B. Consider approval of minutes from the March 4, 2016 special meeting

C. Approval of city?developer agreement for Kennedale Seniors Addition

D. Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for assistance in the reconstruction of True Gunn Road/Caylebaite Street/Municipal Drive, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement

E. Consider authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a contract for electric supply

F. CASE # PZ 15?17 Consider approval of a final plat requested by Emanuel Glockzin for 332?370 S. New Hope Rd, more particularly described as an approximately 23?acre tract in the C. B. Teague Survey A 15?06 and Robert C. Richey Survey A?1358, Tarrant County, Texas, conveyed from C D Fincher Estate to Emanuel Glockzin as recorded in instrument number D215220118. A preliminary plat was approved in November 2015.

A. Update Future Transportation Plan in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan

1. Staff Presentation

2. Public Hearing

3. Staff Summary and Response

4. Action by the City Council

B. Consider accepting the official certification of unopposed candidates for the 2016 general election.

C. Consider approval of Ordinance 591 canceling the May 7, 2016 election and declaring unopposed candidates elected to office

D. Consider approval of Ordinance 596 setting the speed limit on Kennedale Parkway to 40 miles per hour
Click for Staff Report
A. The City Council will meet in closed session pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property for the following:

1. 6727 Hudson Village Creek Road Park Land Acquisition

2. Link Street Extension Right?of?Way Acquisition
Click for Staff Report
B. The City Council may meet in closed session at any time during the work session or the regular session, pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code for consultation with the City Attorney pertaining to any matter in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct may conflict with the Open Meetings Act, including discussion on any item posted on the agenda and the following items:

1. Round?About Damage Claim


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Kennedale will provide for reasonable accommodations for persons attending City Council meetings. This building is wheelchair ccessible, and parking spaces for disabled citizens are available. Requests for sign interpreter services must be made forty?eight (48) hours prior to the meetings. Please contact the City Secretary at 817.985.2104 or (TDD) 1.800.735.2989

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