Meeting postponed until Thursday, Oct 19
The Kennedale City Council will meet in regular session Monday, October 16, at Kennedale City Hall. A work session will convene at 5:30 p.m. followed by the regular session at 7:00 p.m. {{more: read more … }}
All meetings are open to the public.
Work Session – 5:30 p.m.
The council will discuss the process for updating the City?s long-range planning goals, objectives and strategic plans. Also listed is discussion of items listed on the regular agenda.
Regular Session ? 7:00 p.m.
Action Items ?
The only action item listed on the agenda is a proposal to increase the regular monthly stormwater fee from $3.50 to $4.00 for all residential and religious properties. The fee proposal will be in line with the city budget that was approved last month. If approved the fee increase will go into effect November, 2017.
Consent Items ?
Under the consent agenda or the Required Approval Items is a twice delayed agreement with the City of Fort Worth to provide waste water services for a portion of Kennedale. The authorization for this agreement was postponed by the Council in the August and the September meetings. Proposed agreement
With the agreement, Fort Worth would continue to provide for the area of west of Village Creek (in the Oakcrest Addition) and the businesses including QT, Popeyes?s, McDonald?s and Fort Worth Tower (FWT). According to a staff report, this area produces approximately 5% of Kennedale?s total wastewater flow. The City of Arlington services the remainder of Kennedale. Prior
The contract with Fort Worth expired in September and the current proposal would provide services from October, 2017 through September 30, 2037. It is the staff recommendation that the contract be approved.
Another item listed under the consent agenda is an interlocal agreement for Rabies Control also with the City of Fort Worth that would extent the existing agreement through 2018.
Closed Session ?
The Council is also set to meet in closed session (executive session) for discussion with the city attorney and the Open Meeting Act. Also listed under the closed session is a possible discussion of the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property that would include Building 1 of Kennedale TownCenter.See complete agenda at Agendas
& Packets.