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Friday, February 28, 2025

City Hoping for Community Spirit in Adopt-a-Spot Program

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The Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission (KKB) has started a program to give individuals, families, and groups a public way to show pride in the community by helping to keep the city litter-free. The program is called Adopt-A-Spot, a community based program popular in local city governments across North Texas. {{more}}
A spot could be anywhere in the city where there is a need. It could be a park, a trail, a roadside, a creek, vacant lot or a city median. It is open to anyone including individuals, families, civic organizations, school groups or businesses.
Those who agree to participate will adopt the area for a year (or longer if they choose). The adopters agree to keep a designated spot cleared of litter and/or provide beautification (landscaping) during that year.
The spot selected can be large or small but must be one that is not already selected and maintained and it must be within the city limits.
A sign will be put up in the designated area to recognize the individual?s or the group?s work.
Adopt-A-Spot requests are subject to Kennedale City Council approval. Adult supervision is required. There is no cost to participate.
To participate you fill out a request form and someone from the KKB will then contact you.

Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission members include Pamela Breault, Darlene Winters, Michael Chandler, Wilda Turner, Vickie Chandler, Laurie Sanders and Fred Winters.
The KKB meets at 6:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month in the Kennedale City Hall Conference Room at 405 Municipal Drive, Kennedale TX 76060.
All meetings are open to the public. See more at Keep

Kennedale Beautiful Commission


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