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City set to approve budget/tax rate tonight

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The Kennedale City Council has a full agenda tonight, Tuesday, September 17, 2019, with the approval of the 2019-20 budget and tax rate as the headline items. {{more: continue …}}
If the budget of $17,127,181?is approved, the tax rate to support the propose budget would be, according to the staff report to the city council, “$0.734970, which is effectively a 8.0% increase

in the tax rate.” Public hearings on these two items have been held prior to tonight’s vote.

Among other items to be considered under the action agenda will be
  • engineering agreements for improvements scheduled for Collett Sublett Road, Trent Street and Linda Road in Kennedale; and,?
  • appointments to city advisory boards and commissions.?
Under the consent agenda (items approved by one vote unless pulled for separate action) are
  • joint settlement agreement on gas rates charged by Atmos Energy Corp effective October 1, 2019 with an average increase of $2.05 on a monthly basis or 3.7 percent for residential users and an average commercial usage increase be $6.18 or 2.31 percent;?
  • extension of the rabies control services with City of Fort Worth;?
  • adoption of the election voting services provided by Hart InterCity Verity and the continuation of a share of bingo prize fees collected by licensed authorized organizations. Note: Kennedale can only collected a share of the proceeds if there is a licensed bingo game within the city limits, so far there has not been).?
The meeting will be held at the Kennedale City Hall in the Council Chambers at 405 Municpal Drive. A work session set for 5:30 p.m and the regular session is set to begin at 7:00 p.m.? All meetings are open to the public.

See these items and other agenda items with links at City Council Agenda, 09/17/2019

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