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Sunday, February 23, 2025

City wants cameras on officers, a drug task force officer and fill open council seat

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In other actions will try to keep a promise to two future fast-food restaurants at I-20 entrance and to improve drainage on New Hope-Hudson Village Creek Road

The Kennedale City Council will have a busy night discussing a number of items of interest. The regular session will begin at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers. A work session is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. All meetings are open to the public. For event

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At the Council Work Session (5:30 p.m.) the following items are listed: {{more}}
  • a mid-year budget review by city staff
  • a discussion on how to fill the open position (Place 3) on the City Council being vacated by Brian Johnson when he assumes the Mayor?s position later in the year.

In the Regular Session (7 p.m.) the City Council will take action on the following:

  • authorizing a grant application for police body-worn video. These cameras would be synchronized with the current in-car videos systems to provide additional case support for officer actions in the field. Currently, if an officer gets out of the view of a vehicle mounted camera, all that is recorded is the audio. The body cameras will provide extra video evidence and support regardless of where the officer is positioned.
  • authorizing a grant application for police in-car computers. This grant will fund new computers for every vehicle in the police fleet, allowing for better communication between all police vehicles and the regional dispatch center in Mansfield.
  • authorizing a grant application for a narcotics task force position which will fund a new position for a narcotics investigator to be assigned to the Tarrant County Narcotics Task Force. This position would allow us to participate in a county-wide effort to stem the flow of drugs into Kennedale and the surrounding community. Participating in this effort will allow the police department to receive seizure funds from any activity the investigator is involved in. The goal is to allow the grant to pay the first three years of salary and benefits, with subsequent years being funded through seizure funds.
  • executing an interlocal agreement with Tarrant County for a drainage project in the area of Hudson Village Creek Road and New Hope Road. Tarrant County Precinct 2 has been improving drainage ways in the county adjacent to Hudson Village Creek Road. The drainage improvement needs overlap into Kennedale and in order for the improvements to work properly the repairs will need to take place in Kennedale as well. The county approached the city about participation in the project where the city would have minimal cost reimbursement to the county for the work done.
  • cancelling the May 10, 2014 General Election and declaring each unopposed candidate elected to office
  • executing an interlocal agreement for emergency repairs on a portion of Corry A. Edwards Drive. The city underwent emergency repairs to a portion of Corry A. Edwards due to a culvert in the 500 Block that collapsed. The city staff assessed the damage and determined that repairs would not be possible without the proper machinery. The city contacted Precinct 2 staff about repair assistance as an emergency provision and the county agreed. The commissioner?s court approved the Interlocal Agreement and completed the repairs with the understanding that the city would approve the Interlocal Agreement and reimburse the county for the city?s allocated cost. They city will be paying for direct costs and materials which is not expected to exceed $5,000.00. These repairs will be paid from the Street and Drainage fund
  • executing an amended agreement with Tarrant County for the High Ridge Road and Link Street project. The city and Economic Development Corporation have been working to redevelop the Oak Crest Area consistent with the adopted Area Master Plan. Foremost, in the Area Master Plan is an extension of Link Street to Kennedale Parkway. The City and EDC have acquired the right of way and completed the Link Street design plan, as well as have secured permits from TXDOT for the connection of the streets. EDC obtained property along Kennedale Parkway to develop for fast food restaurants. Two fast food restaurants are under contract as long as the construction of Link Street progresses and are completed. Tarrant County Precinct 2 has agreed to aid in the construction of Link Street to a sum of $250,000. The $250,000 is expected to cover most if not all asphalt and base material costs. The city will be required to pay all concrete work necessary to connect Link Street to Kennedale Parkway, High Ridge Street to the I-20 service road, to reconstruct head walls around drainage structures and other related concrete work. The estimated cost is approximately $100,000. The concrete work will be paid from the Street fund.

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