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Friday, October 18, 2024

Clean it all up October 22

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The City of Kennedale is offering city residents a chance to get rid of those things that are clutering up the house and yard but were just not sure how to do it. {{more:Read more …}}
On Saturday, October 22, residents can trash those things legally and responsibly.

The Keep

Kennedale Beautiful Commission (KKBC) is sponsoring the city-wide set for Saturday, October 22. On that day, residents will have a chance to properly dispose of:

  • household chemicals, electronics, batteries, light bulbs, paint, and other items that should not be sent to the landfill because of the danger of chemicals leaching into the groundwater;
  • personal documents that need shredding and destroyed;
  • large bulky items ? furniture, mattresses, brush and tires (fee for tires);
  • expired or unneeded medications cannot accept inhalers or needles ; and,
  • un-needed usable clothes and shoes (gently used).
This event is free for Kennedale residents (except for a small disposal fee for CRT monitors, tube televisions and tires). You will need to present a driver’s license or water bill as proof of residency for disposal of most of these items.

There are different times and locations around Kennedale for the event on that Saturday. So check them out at Time

and places – City of Kennedale Bring It Event

  • ammunition, explosives, smoke detectors, butane/propane cylinders
  • commercial/medical chemicals and/or waste
  • freon appliances (refrigerators, freezers, window units)
  • hazardous/regulated materials (asbestos, PCB transformers/caulking, lead-based paint, mercury thermostats/switches, radioactive sources)

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