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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Ebola waste stayed in Dallas Clean-up Company says

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CG Environmental was tasked with the clean-up of the apartment in Dallas during the Ebola crisis early last week. {{more}}
Some readers of a recent news article in the Kennedale News about CG?s involvement raised some questions about the nearby location.
The Kennedale News on Friday stopped by the office and talked with Laura, wife of the company owner Erick McCallum and who helps with the business. The office is located on Turner Road, off of Dick Price just south of Kennedale.
Had any of the waste from the clean-up been brought back to their office location?
“Oh no, we left everything in drums at the site. It is up in the air as to who is going to handle that material, Homeland Security has control of it. They are going to transport it or have another company do it.”
Do you do that kind of thing often?
“That is very rare for us. The biggest thing is clean-up like spills that you may see on a roadway as the result of an accident. We will get rid of all the fuel and other hazardous spills, that is our meat and potatoes. Not to say we have not gone into apartments where a known patient had an infectious disease before. So that is not completely foreign to us but it is not our typical day to day operation.”
Are you through in Dallas?
What about the protective suits, mask use by your workers?
“It was left there. They took everything and bagged and it will be incinerated. We are done.”
Have you been here at this location long?
“At this location, the company has been here a good 12 years.”
What has it been like [this week]?
“It has been crazy, all the news channels have called. A news station from Houston came up yesterday for an interview. We are ready for a little normalcy.”
CG Enviromental is a Texas company that specializes in all types of clean-up including hazard waste clean-up with offices in Houston, San Antonio, Austin and here in DFW. For more information about the company you can visit their website at the Cleaning Guys.

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