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Friday, February 21, 2025

Filing deadline for local offices is today

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The election season has not drawn much interest locally. Today is the filing deadline for positions on the Kennedale City Council and the Kennedale School Board with a total of six positions open. So far only a city council seat has drawn a challenger. {{more}}
The Kennedale ISD Board of Trustees has three at-large places up for election, Places 1,2 and 3. Place 1 is currently held by Julie Green who has not filed for re-election. Leslie Carruthers has filed for that position. Place 2 is held by Rhonda Barnes who has filed to run again. Place 3 is held by Joe Taylor who also has filed for re-election. Each position is for three years.
The Kennedale City Council also has three at-large places open for election, Places 1,3 and 5. Place 1 is currently held by Charles Overstreet who has filed for re-election. Place 3 is held by Mike Walker who also has filed for election. And, Place 5 is held by Frank Fernandez who has filed again but who has drawn a challenger, Hollis Matthews. Each position is for a two year term.
The deadline to file is today, February 27, 2015 at 5 p.m. Filing for the KISD School Board is at the Kennedale Administration Office at 120 W Kennedale Parkway, Kennedale, Tx 76060. Filing for the Kennedale City Council is at Kennedale City Hall at 405 Municipal Drive, Kennedale, TX 76060.
General elections are scheduled for May 9th with early voting scheduled to start April 27th.
For more information about school board positions see Board

Election Information.

For more information about city council positions see City

Council election information

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