The general election for local races is still several months away but the first day to file for elective office is next Wednesday, January 18. Kennedale ISD and the City of Kennedale will be holding a joint election with same days for filing, early voting and election day voting. {{more:Read more …}}
The city has three places up for election and school district has two. The deadline to file is February 17. The actual election date is May 6 with early voting starting April 24.
Kennedale City Council

Places 1, 3 & 5 are up for election on the Kennedale City Council. Place is 1 is currently held by {{t2:Charles Overstreet:
}}, Place 3 is held by {{t2:Mike Walker:
}} and Place 5 is held by {{t2:Frank Fernandez:
}}. All positions on the city council are for two years.
The general qualifications are:
- be a registered voter of the
- have resided in the city for 1 year before the date of the election,
- maintain residency in the city during term of office,
- not hold more than one
public elective office,
- not hold an appointed office of the City excluding
boards, committees and commissions,
- be at least 21,
- not determined mentally
incompetent by a final judgement of a court
- not have been finally
convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise
released from the resulting disabilities, and
- no candidate my file for more
than one office or position per election
Candidate information packets are available at Kennedale City Hall during regular business hours, 8-5 p.m. (except holidays) or online @ City
of Kennedale Election Information. For questions and additional information you can call 817-985-2104 and talk with City Secretary Leslie Galloway or Deputy City Secretary Kathy Moore.

Places 6 & 7 are up for election on the Kennedale School Board of Trustees. Place 6 is currently held by {{t2:Shawn Ham:
}} and Place 7 is held by {{t2:John Hunt:
}}. All positions on the KISD Board are for three year terms. John Hunt is the current KISD Board President but that is not tied to Place 7 position. The board president is elected yearly by board members after the general elections are held.
The general qualifications are:
- be 18 years or older on the
first day of the term to be filled at the election or date of appointment,
- be a
registered voter,
- must have resided continuously in the state for 12 months and
in the district for six months immediately preceding the filing deadline or for
a write-in candidate the date of the election,
- have not been determined by a
final judgement of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally
mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to
vote, and
- have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not
been pardoned or otherwise release from the resulting disabilities.,
Candidate information can be obtained at the KISD Administration Office during regular business hours (M-Th 8-4 and Friday 8-3:30). For additional information and questions you can call 817-563-8000.
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