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Monday, February 24, 2025

Free Hygiene bags at Wednesday Night Kids

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Beginning this coming Wednesday, August 23 and then on the first Wednesday of each month, the First Methodist Church of Kennedale will have Hygiene Bags available for any Wednesday Church Kids who need them. {{more: Read more …}}
full size products …
In these bags there will be full size hygiene products: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, lotion, toothpaste, tooth brushes, dental floss, picks, chap stick and feminine products.
The bags will be on the table in the church foyer for the kids to get one once a month, if needed.
Greg Kramer, chair of the Kingdom Builders has teamed up with Larry Smith and Jeff Ratliff and Laurie Sanders on this ministry. They found that some of our kids do not have access to personal hygiene items at home.
“Before school was out for summer, we handed them out and one little boy told us he didn’t have a toothbrush and wanted to open his bag right there in the sanctuary and brush his teeth! We persuaded him to wait until he got home, but this opened our eyes to this need to of helping the parents who may be on a tight budget.”
First Methodist wecomes all children, Pre K ~ 12 Grades on Wednesday nights for a free dinner, Bible activities and Worship Kids Style. It all starts at 6:00 pm each Wednesday.
Parents may pick up their children from the sanctuary at 7:25 pm.
want to help …

Do you want to make a donation to this ministry? Call the church office at 817-478-5811 or look for the GREEN Bucket in the foyer to drop off you donations to help support this Kingdom Builders ministry.

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