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Heard at City Hall last month

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The following was said at Kennedale City Hall in relations to the City Council Meeting on February 27. These are summaries of statements made either by council members, city staff or residents and reported in the minutes of the meeting. {{more:Continue ...}}

heard at the Council Work session prior to regular session at 7pm ?

Finance Director Krystal Crump introduced Paula Lowe from Pattillo Brown and Hill (who conducted the annual outside audit of the City of Kennedale). Paula Lowe provided an overview of the report, noting that the independent auditor?s report states Pattillo, Brown and Hill performed the audit under all regulations and typical practices.
heard at the Public Forum at the City Council meeting ?
Rockie Gilley stated that last September the City commissioned a survey be conducted by UTA. The overall respondents found Kennedale to be a safe place to live. Overall, they were unhappy with the quality of the water, the water and sewer rates, and said the city could use some cleaning up. There were 300 respondents, which is probably 5% of all adults. A question was asked, of the three services offered by Kennedale, which needs the most improvement? He provided percentages to this question. In closing, he asked Council to review the survey and listen to the citizens’ concerns.
Jan Joplin stated that she would like to respond to the reply given to her in the December letter. The biggest question she had was what happened to the $800,000 that was said to be used for sewer repairs. She added that this question was not answered. The Kennedale News followed up with Mr. Hart, where he addressed the $800,000 as an estimate. She stated that she is not going for that explanation and thinks this is a huge issue. We were told an amount of $800,000 and it wasn?t a true statement. She added that Bob Hart mentioned that she asked about the SOBs; and she only wanted to make it clear that she was questioning the amount spent to close them. She also wants to know what the expected cost and timeline will be to close the racetracks and salvage yards,
Jack Thompson stated that he was here on behalf of the Kennedale Chamber. He announced that the Chamber would be hosting a candidate forum in April, and as soon as the venue and date are selected they will post the information on the Chamber’s Facebook page and website.
heard from council members/staff during reports …
Council member Kelly Turner stated that he had attended the bimonthly REPAC and EPPC meetings; noting that both of these are NCTCOG committees that meet regarding emergency preparedness.

Mayor Brian Johnson stated that he and George Campbell attended the SETTP meeting. He noted that Proposition 1 and Proposition 7 in transportation funding will not be increased, as expected. This will once again push back the 20/820/287 interchange improvement project. Brian also expressed well wishes to [Finance Director] Krystal Crump as she leaves Kennedale for a position at White Settlement. And, on a sad note, he expressed condolences to Council member Mike Walker, whose mother passed away Saturday.

Interim City Manager George Campbell stated that in the last 21 days, he has met a lot of residents and heard a lot of great things. George also wished Krystal well. In closing, he stated that he has a lot to learn about the city, and that staff have been incredibly positive and supportive as he learns what?s going on.
the clean audit that the city received ?

Paula Lowe with Pattillo Brown and Hill provide the presentation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for fiscal year end, September 30, 2016. She informed the Council that they have an unmodified opinion on these financial statements, and that is the highest opinion that can be written. There were no items to bring to Council’s attention. Full

Audit Report

Council member Mike Walker stated that there have been some feelings in the community that Patillo, Brown and Hill are in some way connected to our past city manager. He questioned if she was aware of any kind of connection? Ms. Lowe replied no. Mayor Johnson asked how many cities they provide auditing services for. She replied 50 to 60 other cities.
Council member Kelly Turner requested a 5th grade explanation of what the CAFR is? Ms. Lowe stated that their responsibility as auditors is to come in and look at the numbers and supporting documentation and to be able to say that the financial statements aren?t misleading to the users. She continued, stating that as part of that process, there are standards that must be met, and normally they work in-house on the audit for 3-4 weeks.
Council member Frank Fernandez questioned how long the firm has been in business? She replied, since 1923. Frank asked if they have ever been asked to do a forensic audit. Paula stated yes, but it is not typical.
Mayor Johnson stated that the city does follow standard accounting practices and internal controls. Paula stated that this was correct.
The Kennedale City Council meets in regular session this Monday, March 20 at City Hall beginning at 7pm. Meetings are open to the pubic.

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