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Heard at City Hall last month

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The following is information and concerns expressed by local residents and city leaders at last month’s regular council meeting on August 20. The City Council will be regular session tonight, September 17 beginning at 7 p.m. {{more: continue …}}?(Source: draft copy of meeting minutes)
Kennedale residents addressed the Council …?
  • Carolyn Williamson stated her support for continuing recycling service. She also expressed concerns about property development on the east side of Kennedale.
  • Jeff Nevarez announced Concert in the Park upcoming performances and the Kennedale Parks Board meeting on September 5th at 7:00 p.m., where proposed projects will be discussed.
  • Michael Chandler announced the Bring-It event scheduled for Saturday, September 15th , From 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. He also stated the majority of Kennedale residents are in favor of continuing the recycling program.
  • John Hivale discussed the City Manager?s evaluation, the Visitor Citizen?s Forum, Monthly Financials for the City, investment activity and resolutions.

Council & Staff? updates …?

  • Jan Joplin, Place 5 said that she is sitting on the Council due to the issue with water rates. She is also focused on the budget and infrastructure. She recognized teachers, staff and students now that school has started. She discussed upcoming scheduled neighborhood meetings and encouraged attendance and filling out surveys. Her goal is to lower property taxes. She also recognized Chief McMurray for his years of service.
  • Linda Rhodes, Place 4 announced she attended two TML conferences; a Small Cities problem solving clinic and a TML Newly Appointed City Officials conference.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Lee, Place 3 thanked Pastor Crane for his support in the community and announced she attended the Tarrant County Mayor?s Council Meeting with Mayor Johnson and Councilmember Pugh. She also stated she is trying to do the best job possible for the citizens of Kennedale.
  • Chris Pugh, Place 2 discussed the Tarrant County Mayor?s Council meeting. And he urged the city to lobby for available TxDOT monies to be used to encourage economic development.
  • Rockie Gilley, Place 1 announced he attended Chief McMurray?s retirement service and recognized his years of service. He also attended a budget workshop on July 27th , sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Texas Local Government Center.
  • Mayor Brian Johnson announced he attended the Tarrant County Mayor?s Council meeting with Councilmembers Lee and Pugh, and he had been appointed to the Tarrant County Mayor?s Council Legislative Committee. He also attended the TRTC meeting where local government spending was discussed. He also announced the next Theatre In The Park performance is scheduled for December 13-15.
  • City Manager George Campbell recognized Finance Director Brady Olsen and Deputy City Secretary Kathryn Roberson for their recent achievements and dedication to career advancement. He also announced there are a number of upcoming neighborhood meetings and two city-wide meetings scheduled for September 26th and 27th to discuss comprehensive planning.

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