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Heard at City Hall last month ? August, 2019

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The following information was gathered from the unofficial minutes of the August 20, 2019 City Council meeting.? {{more:? continue …}}
Citizens/Visitors Forum ??
  • Rockie Gilley, Kennedale, spoke in opposition of the Council having replaced him on the TIRZ Board before his term had expired.
  • Perry Clementi, Kennedale, stated the need for debris to be picked up that was left after Atmos Energy completed a project near the corner of Sublett Road and Hillside Drive. (City Manager George Campbell stated that staff would follow up on this item).?
  • Alex Alkhazshvill, Kennedale, spoke regarding low water pressure at his home on Collet Sublett and construction traffic. (City Manager George Campbell stated that staff would follow up on this item).
  • Jessica Spiegel, Kennedale, stated her desire to have a requirement for a grease trap waived for her establishment. (Mayor Johnson asked that she speak with Director of Planning & Economic Development Melissa Dailey).
  • Joe Palmer, Fort Worth, spoke on behalf of the Kennedale Alliance of Business Owners (KABO), regarding bond elections and his desire for a congenial atmosphere. (Mayor Johnson noted that a bond election was being considered for May 2020).
  • Susan Lewandowski, Kennedale, spoke about a problem with the construction traffic on Collett Sublett.

City Council/Mayor Announcements ??

  • Council Member Chris Pugh, Place 2, announced that he attended the Tarrant County Mayors? Council with City Manager George Campbell and Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Lee; and he and his wife attended the 1-year anniversary of the Iron Wheel Antiques Mall.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Lee, Place 3, announced that she and Public Works Director Larry Hoover met with County Commissioner Devan Allen regarding creek erosion issues.
  • Council Member Linda Rhodes, Place 4, announced that she attended the Parks Board meeting, where the Board recommended that the Council consider hosting a Chute 2 rodeo event.
  • Council Members Chad Wandel, Place 5, announced that he attended a charity function for ?When We Love?, which assists the homeless; and had been contacted by several regarding issues regarding Collett Sublett Road.
  • Mayor Brian Johnson announced that he attended a Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition (TRTC) meeting regarding legislative issues; and attended a demonstration of the Hyperloop technology. He also reported that Kennedale Library Summer Reading Club participants read a total of 98,560 minutes; and that Abby Lopez was the top reader with 8,500 minutes; Anna Shonkwiler was second with 3,750 minutes; and Anastasia Zyuskina was third with 3,520 minutes. Johnson proclaimed September 2019 as Senior Center Month; and the week of September 9?14, 2019 as “The Future is Bright: A Week of Suicide Prevention”.

Action Items and recorded votes ??

  • Ordinance 667 and request by Spirals Gymnastics, Inc. fora rezoning from “PD-UV” Planned Development Urban Village to “UV” of approximately 2 acres at 1083 Bowman Springs Road, Block 1, Lot 19R, Woodlea Acres Addition, City of Kennedale, Texas. Moved By Mayor Pro Tem Lee. Seconded By Wandel. Motion passes unanimously.
  • Ordinance 670, Authorizing the Issuance of Up to $2,000,000 in Principal Amount of City of Kennedale, Texas Tax Note, Series 2019; Securing the Payment Thereof by Authorizing the Levy of an Annual Ad Valorem Tax; and Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Purchase Letter, and All Other Instruments and Procedures Related Thereto. Moved By Mayor Pro Tem Lee. Seconded By Pugh.?
    • In response to a question from Mayor Johnson, City Manager George Campbell stated that the proceeds would be used for land acquisition for various projects to be determined by the Council.?
Motion passes unanimously.
  • CASE #PZ 19-05 Public Hearing ? Director of Planning & Economic Development Melissa Dailey stated that this request would rezone the front portion of the Coker Family property for retail pad sites. Dailey gave an overview or surrounding uses and zoning, noting that staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) both recommended approval; and that the developer was available to answer questions.Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing at 8:05 p.m.?
    • BJ Hall, Arlington, the agent for the property, spoke in support.?
    • Devan Pharis, Fort Worth, of Vaquero Ventures, the developer, distributed a site plan and spoke in support.?
    • Jim Maibach, Arlington, of Peyco Southwest Realty, spoke on behalf of the Coker Family in support.?
    • Bennett Cole Carter, Arlington, spoke in support.?
    • Don Coker, Kennedale, spoke in support.?
    • Ron Sturgeon, Kennedale, spoke in support.?
    • Carolyn Williamson, Kennedale, spoke in support.?
Motion To Approve. Action Approve Ordinance 671, regarding a request by Cannon Maki for a rezoning from ?R3? Residential to “C2” Commercial for approximately 6 acres located at 5306 Kennedale Sublett Road, Abstract 792, Tract 1 Less HS, James R Hawkins Survey, City of Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas. Moved By Pugh. Seconded By Wandel. Motion passes unanimously.?
  • CASE #PZ 19-06 – Director of Planning & Economic Development Melissa Dailey stated that this property, owned by the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and leased by Adlai Pennington for use as ?Red?s Roadhouse?, had been zoned Industrial for years. She outlined the surrounding uses and zoning, noting that staff recommends approval, but that the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) recommended denial of the request with a vote of 5?2 (with a recommendation that the current non-conforming use continue to be permitted). Dailey stated that the lessee was present to answer questions, and wished to add a restaurant, which was not allowed in the current zoning.?

Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing at 8:22 p.m.?

    • Ron Sturgeon, Kennedale, spoke in opposition.?
    • Joe Palmer, Fort Worth, spoke on behalf of KABO (Kennedale Alliance of Business Owners) in opposition.?
    • Jim Eaton, Arlington, spoke on behalf of C&C Tire in opposition.?
    • ?Jose Jaime, Kennedale, spoke in opposition.?
    • ?Luke Beshura, Fort Worth, spoke on behalf of Ron Sturgeon Real Estate in opposition and provided a handout of the lease agreement.?
    • Carl Hall, Kennedale, spoke on behalf of Speed Fab Crete in opposition.?
    • Adlai Pennington, Kennedale, the lessee of the property, spoke on behalf of the Pennington family in support.?

The following registered in opposition, but did not speak:?

    • Ronald A. Hamm of Speed FabCrete Corporation, 1150 E Kennedale Parkway;?
    • Ron Sturgeon of Ron Sturgeon Real Estate, 1206 Kennedale Parkway, 1220 Kennedale Parkway, and 1208 Kennedale Parkway;?
    • Robert Ciszewski of RBL 1212 LLC, 1200 E Kennedale Parkway;?
    • Horatio Ramirez, 1111 E Kennedale Parkway;?
    • Ronald A. Hamm of JDJRC Warehouse Partners FW LP, 1201 E Kennedale Parkway;?
    • Joseph Moniz, 1113 E Kennedale Parkway; Kou L Lin, 1115 E Kennedale Parkway;?
    • Kirby Williams, 1109 E Kennedale Parkway;?
    • Craig Needham or RBL 1212 LLC, 1200 E Kennedale Parkway; and?
    • Hubert Haynie, 1109 E Mansfield Highway.

The following registered in favor, but did not speak:?

    • Charles Stokely, 1107 E Kennedale Parkway; and Jazz Automotive, 1111 E Kennedale Parkway.?
Motion To Approve. Action Approve Ordinance 672, regarding a request by Adlai Pennington for a rezoning from “I” Industrial to “C2” Commercial for approximately 2 acres located at 1170 E Kennedale Parkway, Abstract 378, Tract 1DD01, E C Cannon Survey, City of Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas. Moved By Altom. Seconded By Mayor Pro Tem Lee. Motion passes unanimously.
  • Ordinance 673 amended – Director of Planning & Economic Development Melissa Dailey stated that these changes to the Multi-Family regulations would allow for higher quality development and outlined some of the highlights including increased walkability and connectivity, rear parking, fenestration requirements, minimum setbacks, and street-oriented structures. Dailey recommended that a motion approving Ordinance 673 should include the deletion of the 8,000 square-foot maximum building footprint requirement from the table on page four, as it was not necessary for these types of developments.

There were no requests to speak; and the Public Hearing was closed. Motion To Approve. Action Approve Ordinance 673 (amended to delete the ?Max building footprint? of 8,000 sqft. in the table on page 4), amending the Unified Development Code by including additional multi-family regulations by adding a new Section 3.6 ?Additional Multi-Family Regulations?, amending Section 12.8 ?Required Off-street Parking?, and amending Table 13.6 “Buffer Area Landscape Requirement?. Moved By Wandel. Seconded By Pugh. Motion passes unanimously.

  • Conduct a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 674 (amendments) – Director of Planning & Economic Development Melissa Dailey stated that, in recent years, the City had approved several Planned Developments (PDs) to accommodate the smaller residential lots demanded by the market, and recommended adding R-4, which would allow for smaller lots with reduced setbacks ? reducing the need for PDs.

There were no requests to speak; and the Public Hearing was closed. Motion To Approve. Action Approve Ordinance 674, amending the Unified Development Code by adding a new ?R-4? Single-Family District and providing for new R-4 District regulations by amending Section 3.1 ?Purpose?, Table 3.2 ?Schedule of Uses: Agricultural and Residential Districts?, Table 3.3 ?Spatial Requirements: Agricultural and Residential Districts?, Section 10.9.C.1 ?Dwellings per Lot?, Section 11.2 ?Accessory Buildings?, Section 11.30 ?Residential Sales?, Section 11.36 ?Sexually Oriented Businesses?, Section 11.38 ?Temporary Uses?, Section 12.8 ?Required Off-Street Parking?, Section 13.2 ?General Landscaping Requirements?, Table 13.6 ?Buffer Area Landscape Requirements?, and Section 29.5 ?Board of Adjustment?. Moved By Mayor Pro Tem Lee. Seconded By Rhodes. Motion passes unanimously.

  • Ordinance 675, vacating and abandoning a 10? utility easement on 1033 Estates Drive, Lot 9, Block 1, Brookstone Estates Addition, and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Quitclaim Deed.
    • Director of Planning & Economic Development Melissa Dailey stated that this was a 10-foot utility easement standard to most developments, but that neither the City of Kennedale nor any of the utility companies would have any future need for this particular easement.
Motion To Approve. Action Approve Ordinance 675, vacating and abandoning a 10? utility easement on 1033 Estates Drive, Lot 9, Block 1, Brookstone Estates Addition, and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Quitclaim Deed. Moved By Pugh. Seconded By Wandel. Motion passes unanimously.?
    • Note: Council Member Josh Altom recused himself from this item as someone with and equitable or legal ownership of the property concerned; and was not present in the Council Chambers during either the deliberation or the vote.
  • Award of bid for health insurance for city employees – There was no discussion at this time. Motion To Approve. Action Approve the bid award for health insurance and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. Moved By Pugh. Seconded By Rhodes. Motion passes unanimously.

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