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Friday, February 21, 2025

Housing spurt a cause of concern for KISD Board

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The big item on the January KISD Board of Trustees‘ agenda was the performance evaluation of the superintendent and contract extension. See

article There were several other items that were covered prior to the evaluation.

One of the first actions taken by the Board was a recognition of Dr. Mike Walker. Dr. Walker, who was in attendance at the Board’s request, retired last year after 3 terms on the KISD with most of that as Board President. {{more}}
In other actions, the Board approved the ?Consent Agenda? without discussion which included last month?s minutes, the monthly financial statement, monthly bills payable, the report of the Tax Assessor Collector, the renewal of Financial Auditor’s Services, a 2013-2014 budget amendment; and, on third reading a number of policy updates involving local policies.
An enrollment update showed a net gain of three students of the same day last year for a total of enrollment of 3140.
Superintendent Gary Dugger reported that the district had negotiated with Chesapeake over a renewal of a lease for a existing ?frac pit? from $35,000 up to $60,000.
Mr. Dugger did ask for more time to gather information on new housing developments in the district and the impact on school boundaries. Board President Joe Taylor, at an earlier meeting, had requested a review after learning of several new additions in the district that were in the platting or development stage. Dugger reported that there were two additions that were in the development stage in the City of Arlington but within the school district boundary that still needed to reviewed.
Taylor stated that he understood that at this time there were 426 possible homes that have been platted or to be platted. Board Trustee Rhonda Barnes requested that that the review be done as quickly as possible so that real estate agents would be able to tell buyers what elementary school their children would attend. Dugger did say that it looks most likely of the new homes would be in the R.F. Patterson Elementary attendance zone but that was still to be decided.
Before adjourning in to executive session, the board discussed a Team of Eight* training on goal setting. Board President Taylor wanted the training to include a review of the district’s mission statement as well as goal setting. A 3 hour session is tentatively scheduled for February 27th.
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for February 20th.
* Team of Eight refers to the seven board members and the superintendent of schools. It is used by school boards throughout Texas as a team building exercise as well as a way to address topics that are of concern to the district and meet required continuing education hours.

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