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Friday, January 24, 2025

KHS Band again judged as a top 10 band in Class 4A

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Repeat top ten ranking
(photos in this article by Drew Fitch)
This past weekend the Kennedale Wildcat Marching Wildcat played and performed at the KHS vs Lake Worth football game and after putting in a little more practice time, packed up Sunday {{more:Read more …}} and headed off to the state marching championships for Class 4A in San Antonio. Check out send-off video @ Send-off

from KHS

only the best make consistently …
This is a trip that the Wildcats have taken many time over the years, in fact this was the 6th year in a row for this biennial (every two years) state-wide competition. It is highly competitive and only the best programs make it on a consistent basis.

A sign that greeted Kennedale

High School at the Alamodome Monday

This year only 23 bands from across the state in Class 4A earned the trip to state. Of that number, 10 were selected as the finalists. Kennedale which had made the list as #5 in the semifinals earlier in the day, performed last in the competition on Monday night putting a night cap on the a highly stressful day.
With a new set of judges from the preliminaries, Kennedale finished #8 overall, making it two in row for a top 10 finish. In 2014 Kennedale finished at #5. In 2012 and 2010, Kennedale was 12th both years.
a salute ?
Whether or not they claimed a state title, this group of Wildcats, have just reaffirmed Kennedale?s status as one of the elite programs in the state. It goes without saying, that the Kennedale ISD band program is one of the superior programs at KISD, beginning at the middle school level on up. It consistently produces state quality performances both in marching and concert seasons. Band members learn that regardless of size, age and even talent, with a lot of pratice, sweat and dedication to improving their individual performance, there is a role that each can play and be successful. This spills over into the classroom as most teachers will attest.
leadership …

Student Officers for 2016:

  • Head Drum Major: Daija Simmons
  • Assistant Drum Majors: Trevor Malone, Cierra Bentley
  • Drumline Captain: Kendall Barnes
  • Drumline Squad Leader: Max Lowery
  • Color Guard Captain: Emmaline Prinz
  • Color Guard Lieutenant: Michelle Vu
  • Woodwind Squad Leaders: Ji Soo Chong, Vi Do, Alyssia Lester
  • Brass Squad Leaders: Blair Bowman, Sydney Michener, Shelby Rosenbaum, Emily Fitch
Seniors: (Heart of any program & who were also part of the 2014 5th place Wildcat Band)

John Barbosa, Kendall Barnes, Cierra Bentley, Gabriel Cruz,

Nic Evans, Carson Ham, Alyssia Lester, Trevor Malone, Sidney Michener, Emily Place,

Thomas Postell, Emmaline Prinz, Micheal Rakestraw, Katie Randolph, Dajia Simmons,

Liam Sperry, Hannah Spradley, Chrislyn Trammell and Marc Williams.

Band directors/assistants

(lr) Eleanor Macias, Josie Inman, Lacy McGowan, Erol Oktay, Benjamin Brown and

Jake Peralez

The Kennedale Band program is under the leadership of Erol Oktay, with the assistance of Josie Inman, Jake Peralez at the high school and KJHS Band Director Benjamin Brown and Associate KJHS Director Eleanor Macias at the junior high.
Each of these directors works at every level of the program whether it is with the beginning band at the 6th grade level or at the high school level. This year there is over 400 students involved in the band program. Lacey McGowan is a part-time instructor and choreographer for the Color Guard.
mark it down …
Annual Pancake Breadfast and Craft Show sponsored by the Kennedale Band Boosters Club, December 10 at Kennedale High School, 9am – 3 pm. Big craft fair, pictures with Santa, live entertainment, HUUGE … more @ KBBC Facebook

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