If you had to describe the average teacher in Kennedale ISD last year, it would be a white female (unless you worked at the high school) with a bachelors and 11 years of experience (8 of those with Kennedale); teaching in a regular education classroom; and, making a salary of $55,654.00. {{more}}If she taught in grades K-4, she would have approximately 19 students, 25 students for grades 5 & 6 or an an average of 21 student in her secondary classes. She would also be less likely to leave the district than other teachers in Texas.
This information and more is available in the recently published TEA annual Texas Academic Performance Report for 2013-14 at TexasAcademic Performance Report
.The Kennedale News will be reporting on this information in a series of articles detailing student performance, demographics, and staffing and will compare this information to our neighboring districts as well as similar districts in size and demographics.
This first article looks at staffing and compares these figures against our region and the state.Kennedale is in Region 11 composed of 10 counties and 129 public school districts and charter campuses of all sizes in rural and urban centers.Texas has 1,247 school district and over 5 million students.In the information below after the district figures are presented, the region information will be presented in the first set of parentheses followed by statewide figures in the second set of parentheses.
Last year Kennedale ISD with 3,181 students, employed 385 people who worked on 6 campuses (counting the district alternative disciplinary campus) and the district administration/maintenance facilities.
- 205 were teachers or 53% (54.2%) (51%)
- 22 were librarians, counselors and other professional support or 5.8% (9.7%) (9.3%).
- 15 were classified as campus administration or 3.9% (3.1%) (2.9%).
- 8 were in central administration or 2.1% (0.9%) (1%).
- 39 educational aides or 10.2% (9.1%) (9.4%).
- 95.5 were custodians, maintenance and food service employees or 24.8% (23.0%) (26.3%).
- overall 65.3% (67.1) ( 64.4) are counted as instructional staff.
- 91.5 were classified as minority or 23.8% (28.0%) (45.7%).
- of the 205 teachers:
- 48 were male or 23.4% (22.3%) (23.3%),
- 11 African-Americans or 5.4% (8.0%) (9.6%),
- 20 Hispanic or 9.8% (10.7%) (25.2%),
- 170 White or 82.9% (78.5%) (62.3%),
- 3 Asian or 1.5% (1.0%) (1.4%)
- 1 two or more races or 0.5% (1.3%) (1.0%)
- teachers non-decreed 0% (0.6%) (0.9%)
- 167 teachers had a Bachelors 81.9% (73;3%) (75.4%)
- 36 held a Masters 17.6% (23.2%)
- 1 had a doctorate or 0.5% (0.6%)
- 9 were beginning teachers or 4.4% (6.9%) (8.3%),
- 50 had 1 to 5 years? experience or 24.4% (25.0%) (25.3%),
- 51 had 6-10 years or 24.9% (22.5%) (22.8%),
- 53 had 11-20 years or 25.9% (30.1%) (27.0%),
- 42 had over 20 years or 20.5 % (15.5%) (16.5%).
- average years of experience of Kennedale teachers is 11.2 (11.3) (11.1) years
- average years experience in the district is 7.8 (7.4) (7.6) years.
- there was an overall average of 15.5 (15.4) (15.4) per students per teacher.
- teachers by assignment:
- 170 teachers were in Regular Education or 83.2% (73.8%) (72.7%);
- 11.3 in Special Education or 5.5% (8.6%) (9.1%);
- 4.2 in Bilingual/ESL or 2.0% (5.0%) (5.8%);
- 10.8 in Career and Technology or 5.3% (3.7%) (4.2%);
- 1 in gifted and talented 0.5% (2.1%) (1.9%)
- teacher salaries by experience
- beginning teachers $47,372 (45,971) ($43,480);
- 1-5 years an average $51,229(48,248) ($45,379);
- 6-10 years an average $53,244 (50,294) ($47,855);
- 11-20 years an average $56,537 (53,274) ($51,493);
- over 20 years an average $64,497 (62,120) ($59,032).
- the average actual salaries (regular duties only)
- teachers $55,654 ($52,208) ($49,692);
- professional support $60,843 ($60,534) ($58,551);
- campus administration $73,686 ($74,605) ($72,764);
- central administration $109,640 ($101,754) ($94,630).
- turnover rate for teachers: 13.8 (14.8) (16.2)