The Kennedale ISD is suing the district’s property insurance companies for failure to adequately compensate the school district for hail damages received in a storm in December 2013 according to article by Robert Cadwallader from the StarTelegram
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During the storm, hail penetrated the roof of the administration offices at 120 N. Kennedale Parkway, creating leaks that damaged ceilings, walls and carpet, according to school officials and a lawsuit filed February 23.
The lawsuit, assigned to Judge Don Cosby’s 67th state District Court in Fort Worth, seeks at least $1 million from the two insurers, Travelers Indemnity Co. and Texas School Property and Casualty Cooperative, for economic and penalty damages as well as damages for “improperly investigating the extensive losses.” The suit further alleges that the defendants “perpetrated fraud by misrepresentation.”
School board President Joe Taylor said, “It ended up in a paralyzed situation; I’m sure that’s why the lawsuit got filed.” He said that while the temporary repairs are hiding most of the damage from visitors, there are no temporary fixes for the stained carpet. “The carpet is really the ugliest thing about it. It’s an embarrassment to me.”
Superintendent Gary Dugger said inclement weather continues to be a problem for the building. “Every time it rains,” he said, “we have to do more temporary repairs.”
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