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KPD Incident Reports for Sep 2 – 15

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The Kennedale Police Department reported the following 18 incidents for the two week period September 2 through September 15, 2018. The reports included found property, credit care abuse, burglary, fraudulent use of personal info, auto theft and recovery of stolen vehicle. {{more: continue …}}

These reports and others were in addition to on-going investigations. These do not include calls where no report was written. Some of the offenses, after further investigation, may have been deemed unfounded.

Incident Reports Week of September 2

9/4 – Abandoned/ Found Property – 400 block of Municipal Drive: At 12:14 p.m. officers located an identification card for a female. The female could not be contacted and the card was placed in property for safe keeping.

9/4 – Found Property – 400 block of Municipal Drive: At 8:20 a.m. officers responded to a report of a found cell phone. The phone was found on Kennedale Parkway at New Hope Road by a citizen. Approximately 10 minutes later the phone owner called the number and spoke with officers. The phone was returned to the owner at a residence in Kennedale.

9/4 – Credit/ Debit Card Abuse – Lakewood Drive: At 2:47 p.m. a victim reported that unknown person(s) had used his credit card number to make fraudulent purchases. The first purchase was declined by the bank fraud department. A new card was issued and that card was used for three purchases out of state.

9/5 – Burglary – W. Kennedale Parkway: At 5:53 a.m. a manager reported that money was missing from the business safe. The store security cameras captured the burglary on video. The disguised suspect is observed on the video using the office keys to access the safe. The manager identified several possible suspects.

9/5 – Fraud Use/ Possession of Identifying Info – Belmont Drive: At 6:05 p.m. a victim reported that her identifying information was used to open a line of credit account on-line. The account was closed by the victim before funds could be accessed.

9/5 – Application for Mental Detention and Observation – At 6:37 p.m. a complainant contacted police to say that his brother had texted a photo of him (the brother) trying to hang himself. When contacted, the brother was taken into custody after it was verified that he was the person in the photo. He was transported to JPS for an emergency mental detention and evaluation.

9/7 ? Theft – W. Kennedale Parkway: At 8:34 a.m. an officer responded to a report of a stolen truck. The 2004 Ford flatbed was stolen from a business on Kennedale Parkway during the overnight hours. The security cameras for the business show a known suspect to come onto the property and walk around while the business was closed. The suspect?s address was located in Fort Worth but he was not there and neither was the vehicle.

9/8 ? Theft – W. Kennedale Parkway: On this date officers responded to a theft in progress. A suspect had stolen several items and left in a waiting vehicle. A vehicle matching the description given was located a short distance away. The driver had outstanding warrants for his arrest and had at least one item matching what had been stolen. The driver and his passengers denied being at the business and the property was not marked so it could be identified. The driver was transported to jail for the warrants but the theft could not be proven.

9/8 – Criminal Mischief $750 to $2,500 -? At 10:05 p.m. officers responded to a domestic disturbance. A female was on scene and stated that she and her boyfriend had been arguing. The male grabbed the female?s phone and threw it on the ground, damaging it. The male had left the scene before officers arrived. The female filed a criminal mischief complaint for the damaged phone.

9/6 – Assault Bodily Injury – On this date a school resource officer met with a parent who filed an assault report on her child. The child, a 10 year old female, was assaulted multiple times by an 11 year old male while in class. The male was not present at the time of the report but will be interviewed later.

9/7 – Assault Bodily Injury – At 9:00 a.m. a school resource officer received an assault complaint. A 12 year old student stated that he has severe food allergies and cannot be around certain food products. Another 12 year old student was sitting at the same table and began to poke the student with his finger. The touch created an allergic reaction that caused the student to have to go to the school nurse for treatment. The student/suspect is aware of the allergies and has apparently committed this type of behavior in the past with the same student. Due to the pain and irritation that the reactions cause the victim, the suspect will be charged with assault bodily injury.

Incident Reports Week of September 9 …

9/11 – Manufacture/ Delivery of Controlled Substance – Sun Valley Drive: At 2:26 a.m. an officer observed a parked vehicle at a business displaying a fictitious paper license tag. When the vehicle left the location, the driver was stopped by the officer for investigation. During the interview of the driver it was determined that he was in possession of methamphetamine and marijuana as well as several prescription medications not prescribed to him. The driver was placed under arrest and transported to jail for booking. The contraband was placed in evidence.

9/11 – Unlawful Delivery/ Manufacture of Simulated Controlled Substance – On 09-10-2018 a school resource officer was asked to assist school faculty in an investigation. A student had attempted to sell pills at school that the student represented as being ?speed.? When questioned, the student admitted to the misrepresentation and stated that the pills were actually a legal substance purchased on the internet. Due to the student?s representation of the pills as a controlled substance, he was charged the delivery of the simulated controlled substance.

9/11 – Assault Bodily Injury (Family Violence) – At 5:56 p.m. officers responded to a domestic disturbance. During an argument between a husband and wife, the husband became angry and physically assaulted the wife, causing injury. The husband was arrested for the family violence assault and was transported to jail for booking.

9/12 – Burglary – N. Little School Road: At 2:40 p.m. a victim reported that a closed business had been burglarized. Person(s) unknown had entered the property and removed a trailer along with numerous tools and other equipment.

9/13 – Criminal Mischief $100 to $750 – Tealcove Drive: At 9:32 p.m. an officer responded to a reported burglary. A female was present and stated that the residence belonged to her daughter and grand-daughter. The two had recently passed away and the parents came to the apartment to get some items. The female reported that there were two electronic items missing and that the front door was forced open.

9/14 – Recovered Stolen Vehicle, Possession Drug Paraphernalia ? 5300 block of Mansfield Highway: At 4:00 a.m. an officer observed a motorcycle speeding on Little School Road. As the officer attempted to stop the vehicle, the driver fled to Kennedale Parkway and turned west toward Forest Hill. The vehicle ran the traffic lights at I-20 but the driver lost control and laid the motorcycle on its side. The male driver and female passenger both ran while carrying a heavy backpack. The female was quickly overtaken but the male managed to get away by running into a drainage channel. The backpack was found to contain tools that are used in vehicle thefts. The motorcycle was determined to be stolen from Irving and the license plate on the vehicle was stolen from Fort Worth. The motorcycle was impounded and the female passenger was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. The case remains under investigation.

9/14 – Recovered Stolen Vehicle – Peachtree Court: At 5:57 p.m. officers responded to a request to assist other agency. Forest Hill police were requesting Kennedale officers to check Peachtree Court for a vehicle that had been reported stolen to the Forest Hill Police Department. The vehicle, a 2006 Dodge Ram truck, was located unoccupied and secured until a Forest Hill officer arrived with the victim. The vehicle was turned over to the victim by the Forest Hill officer.

Link: Kennedale Police Department?

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