Home Archive Kennedale City Council dealt with zoning issues and more

Kennedale City Council dealt with zoning issues and more


Last Tuesday, August 20. 2019, the Kennedale City Council met in regular session and considered and approved a number of items including 4 zoning issues and the issuance of tax notes to finance needed city infrastructure projects.? {{more: continue …}}
  • Martin Young?as the Vice-Chair of the Board of Adjustment (BOA)/Building Board of Appeals (BBA);
  • amendment to allow the new city finance director, Lakeita Sutton, and Accounting Technician Debby Scott to act as authorized representatives of TEXPOOL local government investment pool;
  • amendment to an agreement with the Kennedale Independent School District which would designate the KISD Director of Safety and Security as the primary contact for school resource officers (SRO). In the past the contact has been building principals. There are currently two SRO officer provided by the City of Kennedale and assigned to KISD. The cost for the officers, which includes salaries, benefits, and equipment, is shared equally by the city and school district;
  • ordinance rezoning Spirals Gymnastics, Inc from planned development urban village (PD_UV) to urban village (UV) for approximately 2 acres at 1083 Bowman Springs Road. Read more Staff Report?;
  • issuance of up to $2 million in tax notes that would go to financing capital improvement projects including street and infrastructure improvements along with land acquisition for easement rights and open spaces such as parks. These would include projects that are needed in the city but not financed out of the general budget. It would change the present tax rate according to the staff. Read Staff Report?;
  • rezoning of approximately 6 acres at 5305 Kennedale Sublett from residential to commercial. The property is adjacent to Joplin Road and the new storage units that are being built near Alberstons (?Map?). Read more @?Staff Report?;
  • rezoning of approximately 2 acres of land located at 1170 E Kennedale Parkway from industrial to commercial (?Map?). This property currently is the site of Red?s Roadhouse. The property is currently owned by the Kennedale Economic Development Corporation and is lease with the option to buy. The current lease would like to add a food service with a drive through which is currently not allowed under the present zoning designation. Read more @ Staff Report? ;
  • amendment to the Unified Development Code that would allowed a new residential zoning category ? R4. The additional category would allowed residential developments that had smaller lot sizes with a minimum 5,000 square foot lot with 50-foot frontages and 5-foot side. Read more @?Staff Report?;
  • bid for health insurance for city employees from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. The overall bid did represent a 4.5% increase in cost for the City. Bids ranged as high as 27% and offered various degrees of coverage and networks. The staff recommended BCBC as the best options because of price and range of coverage and the network. Staff Report?.

See full agenda at City

Council Agenda


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