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Kennedale Council in short agenda approves pilot recycling program

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The Kennedale City Council had a short agenda when they met July 10. All members were present for the meeting held in Council Chambers at Kennedale City Hall.

Three individuals addressed the Council during the open forum at the beginning of the meeting. {{more}}

  • Endiya Norwood asked Council to consider allowing the Rocking H Ranch to allow for her family reunion party to be held the upcoming weekend. She was recently notified that due to city regulations parties had to be cancelled. She stood to lose her deposit plus plans had been made for out of state family to attend.
  • Diane Norwood also a family member with plans to attend the Norwood family reunion, also made a plea for an exception.
  • Barbara Boedinger thank the Council for their continued support of the local Boy Scout troop?s annual use of Sonora Park for their camp. She presented the Council with a framed certificate of thanks.

Under Mayor/Council Updates, Mayor Brian Johnson reported that he had been able to meet Sally Jewell, the United States Secretary of the Interior, during a recent visit to North Texas. Councilmembers Kelly Turner and Charles Overstreet reported they recently met with individuals from regional cities and towns to talk about street roundabouts and boulevards. Overstreet noted that the representatives from Waxahachie were very impressed with Kennedale?s roundabouts. They hoped to create similar features in their city.

The Council took the following action:
  • appointed Robert Mundy as Chair of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Board (an annual appointment) on an unanimous vote;
  • conducted a public hearing on allowing the Kennedale Economic Development Corporation’s approval to authorize the EDC President to execute an Economic Performance Agreement for development of property at 1298 W. Kennedale Parkway. No one signed up to speak and the hearing was closed. The Council will hold a second public hearing in August, to which a resolution will be attached.
  • approved the implementation of a recycling pilot program unanimously. The Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission had proposed the implementation of a recycling pilot program citing the ongoing overflow problems with community recycling bins at city hall and the landfill. The program will begin with a survey, followed by three months of curbside service in a selected neighborhood, ending with a follow-up survey. The KKB determined that the Steeplechase neighborhood (around 185 homes) is a good cross-section of Kennedale demographics and is the best location for this pilot program. The curbside pickup will be provided by the current waste company, Progressive Waste Solutions, and will last from approximately October 2014 to December 2014.

The Council did meet in closed session and then adjourned with no other action taken. The next regular meeting will be held August 14. For

complete agenda and packet information

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