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Friday, January 24, 2025

Matthews runs for city council seat

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Hollis Matthews is running for Place 5 on the Kennedale City Council. He is challenging incumbent Frank

Fernandez. The election is May 9 with early voting starting April 27 and runs until May 5. {{more}}

Mr. Hollis provided the following information to the Kennedale News. (As a service to the community, the Kennedale News is giving the opportunity to each candidate in both the city and school district elections to provide a statement about their candidacy. The statements will be published as the candidates respond).
I have lived in Kennedale for the last 15 years.
I am running for the Kennedale City Council, Place 5, to facilitate the Kennedale Area Youth Center, balance the city budget, and to promote joint projects with KISD for the betterment of our citizens.

My experience includes serving on the Kennedale Planning & Zoning commission five years; on the Board of Directors of Kennedale Chamber of Commerce for three years; and, on the Kennedale Water Board. I wrote the tree ordinances for the city; established the tree bank; wrote the gas well ordinances for Kennedale; and, have worked with the City Council on budgeting issues for the last eight years.

I am President of Matthews Insurance Group, Inc for the last 24 years and, previously Sr. Vice President of Marketing for an insurance company operating in a four state area. And, I am a member of the Kennedale Rotary International.

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