Missing person, DWI and drug related activities report KPD

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The Kennedale Police Department for the week of May 11-17 reported several incidents including the following:

05/15 – Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – 5700 block of I-20: At 3:06 a.m. an officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. The vehicle was occupied by a female driver and a male passenger, both of whom were known to the officer from previous contacts. {{more}}The female was driving on an expired driver’s license due to the passenger’s license being suspended. The officer observed a syringe in plain view on the console of the vehicle. Numerous items related to narcotics usage were located in the vehicle, including marijuana and methamphetamine pipes. The items were seized as evidence and the driver cited for the violations as well as the paraphernalia.

05/15 – DWI (3rd or Greater Offense) – 500 block of New Hope Road: At 10:35 a.m. an officer observed a vehicle being operated in an erratic manner. The vehicle was driving into oncoming traffic, causing other vehicles to take evasive action. The officer was able to get the vehicle stopped after several attempts to get the driver’s attention. The driver stopped in the traffic lane and attempted to get out. The officer had to assist the driver in exiting the vehicle as she was very intoxicated and unable to stand without support. The driver, a 56 year old female, told the officer that she had had too much too drink. An open bottle of vodka with approximately 25% missing was in the vehicle. The suspect was unable to perform a field sobriety assessment and was arrested. After being transported to the Mansfield jail the suspect refused a breath test. Her criminal history listed multiple DWI convictions.

05/15 – Missing Person – 400 block of Municipal Drive: At 8:02 p.m. an officer received a report of a missing 15 year old female foster child. The child failed to return home from school in the afternoon. The child was entered in to the missing juvenile database.

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