Looking for an easy way to get involved?
New Kennedale High School Principal Michael Cagle is looking for a “Few Good Men” to join the Grateful Dads of Kennedale High School this year. {{more: READ MORE …}}
KHS Principal Michael Cagle – file photo
The program is hoping to provide ?positive male role models from our community to join us on Fridays throughout the school year to “lend a hand” and a smile to our students as they enter the building, Cagle said in announcing the program. He added, “We welcome your presence and your influence in our school.”
The campus greeter program has been implemented in other school around the area and has met with positive results. According to Dr. Groppel, Colleyville Heritage Highs School Principal, ?The students notice, they care and they appreciate the effort and the presence of the Grateful Dads as they start their day to round out the week.?
Cagle is looking for a Dad with a big heart, a strong handshake and a genuine smile. Someone who can make a difference on a single day by a simple greeting and a welcoming handshake. Someone who hopes to be a positive influence on kids. And finally, someone who puts kids before himself by committing some time from his busy schedule.
Please contact Principal, Michael Cagle, at [email protected], or Carol Wolfe, PTA President, at [email protected], for more information. Or check out the Kennedale High School Facebook PageNote: All school volunteers must submit an application and undergo a background clearance check.