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Sunday, February 23, 2025

New Principal ready for the change of leadership at James Arthur

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Kennedale High School Assistant Principal, Frankie Bryson, was hired this spring to be the new principal at James

Arthur Intermediate School this coming school year.

Bryson comes with 10 years of experience in education, starting as a third and a fourth grade teacher in the Alvarado school district. {{more}}She spent seven years in the classroom before becoming an administrator in the Kennedale

Independent School District.

She was hired in 2012 at James Delaney Elementary, as assistant principal, and served two years before moving to Kennedale High School this past year.
“I am very excited about the opportunity to be the future of James A Arthur. KISD has been a great place for me and I’m truly blessed to have been the one chosen to be here. We are going to have an awesome year full of growth and excitement as we reignite our passion for learning at JAA,” Bryson said in an email to the Kennedale News.
Mrs. Bryson, says that she knows that she can never replace Mr. Greenfield, the retiring James Arthur principal, because “he has done some much for the school.” She added, “I am just glad to be here and I can’t wait to start.”
Her and her husband, Shad, have a three-year old son, Easton, and round out their family with two dogs, Nitro and Attie.

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