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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

New Shrubs Cause Reader Concern and a City Response

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? ? ?Several weeks ago a reader wrote to the Kennedale News saying in part the following: “The shrubs that the city planted on bus 287 [Kennedale Parkway]are an obstruction. For example, I drive a Ford F150. This weekend we did business with Wells Fargo drive through. We drove out of the drive way and turn left on Cloverlane, stopping at the stop sign. I look to my left and all I see is a shrub blocking my view. I had to dangerously inch my way out unto bus 287, which almost resulted in{{more}} a car slamming into me, as I was trying to see if it was safe to turn left. I notice this problem in lots of various streets connecting to 287.” The reader said that he sent his complaint to the City Manager (Bob Hart).

? ? ?When the Kennedale News requested a response, Amethyst Cirmo from the City Communication Office replied “In answer to your question … the city is aware that visibility may be an issue at a few intersections along the Kennedale Parkway and we plan to correct the areas in question. The project was designed by and it being built by the state within their stringent landscaping guidelines, and the best course of action is for us to allow the project to be completed, at which point we will go in and adjust plantings in areas where visibility is an issue. This will correct any issues and ensure the safety of our residents and any visitors through town.”
? ? ?Submit your opinion.?

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