41.6 F
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Nostalgia Nights and it is free

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Every Friday night, at 6220 US 287 @ Sublett Road in the Albertson?s parking lot, you will see a lot of cars along with people milling around and having a good time.
It is Nostalgia Night and folks from all around gather to see or show off their ?cool? classic and muscle cars. {{more}} It all begins around 6 p.m. and last until 10 p.m . Stop, visit and bring along pictures of your ?baby? while listening to some old classic tunes while you look at the cars.
There is no charge to walk around and no entry fee to display your car. Grab a deli sandwich or bucket of wings at Albertson and enjoy the evening.
The weekly event is sponsored by Classical

Gas and Albertson.

If you have a car you want to show off or need more information call Chris with Classical Gas at 682-429-1010.

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