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Saturday, February 22, 2025

OPINION: A third way for Kennedale politics

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The deadline to file for a seat on the Kennedale City Council/Kennedale Board of Trustees is approaching in less than two weeks. To be precise, the deadline is Friday, February 16 at 5:00 p.m. {{more: continue …}}
This article is directed at those who may be contemplating a run for the city council or need a push. This is an ugly mess that the city finds itself in at the moment. Who would want run in these circumstances where there is mud slung at anyone who dares speaks out.
it is just the same people over and over …?
What anyone who is considering a run needs to know, that as hard as it is to imagine, given all that is said on social media sites and shared around, is that these are the same people over and over. It is a small group who find bravery in in-direct communication that allows them with stroke of a key to label others liars, lawbreakers, corrupt, and morally and mentally deficient. And actually, when you get right down to it, there is just a handful on each side that make the same arguments over and over against each other.?
One of the things that we have learned from the past year is how easy it is to get up in public or post online how those in office now or earlier are crooked and are a bunch of liars. It is the cheapest trick in the book, because you don?t even have to prove it, you just have to say it.
The overwhelming majority of the voting citizens of Kennedale are not involved in this back and forth and are truly disgusted with it all. They are tired of the politics of nihilism which I define for the purpose of this article, the denial that people do things for the good of others without some great benefit to themselves.?
there are those who serve? because they truly want to serve …?
Yes, there were and there will be people who serve in local government day in and day out with little or no compensation because they truly want to contribute. It is something that they find challenging and interesting. Churches, schools, non-profit organizations and countless other groups count on willing volunteers to carry on their work.
We, who don?t find city budgets, the complexity of building codes and the endless review of plans that are plans for plans fasinating, should fall on our knees and thank those who are willing to do it.
What is needed now, are those candidates who are not committed to either side of this hereto a two sided battle. We need a third way. We need candidates who can say, ?I not one of them. I am someone who is just interested in working for what is good for Kennedale now and in the future. I am not here to get back, get even, or eliminate anyone. I respect other opinions as I hope they will mine even when we disagree. I accept people make mistakes because I know that I will make my own. I will learn from mine and move on.??
I not ruling out incumbents but they need to distant themselves from those who want this to be a gutter fight.?

Na?ve, maybe, but there are people out there who feel as I do. Kennedale is a good place, those who think differently are in the minority. It is time to move on.

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