R. F. Patterson Elementary now has a Buddy Bench on the playground, provided by the PTA. The buddy bench is a simple idea to help eliminate loneliness and start friendships on the play-ground. {{more}}The Huffington Post printed an article about the young boy who started the buddy bench trend in the U.S.” Second-grader Christian Bucks, of York, Pa., knew that some of his classmates felt lonely during recess, and he decided to do something about it. His simple, utterly heartwarming solution was to install a playground “Buddy Bench.” See more at TodayShow Features Christian Bucks
The Buddy Bench is a place students can go to if they are looking for someone to play with. While helping a lonely student this also gives students the opportunity to show kindness and consideration for others.The RFP students, teachers and parents are excited about the new way to spread kindness on campus.Read more like this at Kennedale
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