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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pastor Nelda’s Notes: ?A MIRACLE AT CANA?

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The miracle at Cana is actually Jesus’ first public event at which something miraculous occurs. Cana is not in Judea. It is in Galilee. Galilee was known for its thieves, rebels, and Gentiles. He performed his first miracle in the Gospel of John. {{more: continue …}}
From the very beginning therefore, Jesus is portrayed as a trans-national figure in the Gospel. His life and work go beyond the boundaries of nation and race.

This is a private miracle. It is subdued and quiet. It is not a flashy show of divine power. Only a few people, including the reader, know what happened. Jesus was reluctant to do anything at the event. The persistence of his mother led him to perform what has become one of the most famous of his miracles.

The hosts ran out of wine. Mary mentions this to her son and he replies with a sentence that has puzzled scholars. Is it a mild objection? Is Jesus being rude? Is it a rebuke? His mother doesn’t even bother to respond. She tells the servants to do whatever he tells them. She was always a woman of faith who believed in her son.
Jesus’ hour had not yet come. His hour refers to his death, resurrection, and ascension in the Gospel of John. Yet, he still performs a rather large miracle. The stone jars at the wedding would have been huge containers capable of holding eighteen to twenty gallons of water each. There were six of them. There was enough wine for the whole village now. This wine was better than what had first been served. It is at the end of the story that we read the meaning of it and the significance of timing, faith, and glory.

Faith is the purpose of the miracle. Faith is the reason John wrote the book (20:31). Faith is why we preach. Sermons are never designed to produce enough guilt to turn away from sin, but to communicate faith in Jesus Christ. Good works are by-products of faith. Faith is not a matter of persuasion or coercion but of wonder at the miracle of Christ. It is an overwhelming gift in which the Giver Himself resides. Faith in Christ is the source and meaning of all good things, whatever we do will be done for the proper reason: out of thanks to Christ for filling our lives.

In this miracle, Jesus Christ, is redefining what glory means. It?s glory with a silent aim and purpose. This purpose is to create and maintain faith in Christ Jesus who responds to human need in ways that we don?t understand. They seem mysterious and hidden, but all of His works and deeds are open to the eyes of the faithful.

“I don’t know how, but I know WHO”!

See you on Sunday!

Pastor Nelda

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