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Police Reports for March 10 – 16, 2019

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The Kennedale Police Department reported the following 8 incidents for the one week period March 10, 2019 through March 16, 2019. The reports included aggravated assault, hit and run, abandon vehicle, forgery, and recover of stolen vehicle. {{more: Continue … }}
These reports and others were in addition to on-going investigations. These do not include calls where no report was written. Some of the offenses, after further investigation, may have been deemed unfounded.
Police Reports …

3/10 – Duty on Striking Fixed Object – Bluebonnet Lane: At 5:11 a.m. officers responded to a report of an accident. A vehicle was discovered with extensive front end damage and appeared to have struck a fence in a yard at the head the street. The vehicle was locked with no driver present. A witness reported seeing a male get out of the vehicle at 4:00 a.m. The driver was picked up by another vehicle. The registered owner of the vehicle was contacted by telephone. The owner stated that his adult son was driving the vehicle when an animal ran out in front of him, causing him to leave the roadway. No explanation was offered as to why the suspect left the scene without contacting police or the property owner. The suspect could not be contacted at the time of the report.

3/11 – Aggravated Assault -? W. Kennedale Parkway: At 5:45 p.m. an officer responded to an aggravated assault. A business employee working at a drive-thru window reported that a known male suspect pulled to the window and began to argue with the employee. The suspect was holding a handgun in his left hand, ultimately pointing it at the employee before driving off. The offense was captured on security video.

3/11 – Hit and Run Accident – Hilltop Court: At 4:57 p.m. officers received a report of a hit and run accident. A victim reported that his 2013 Infiniti was struck while legally parked at the curb. Damage was estimated at $1,500.00.

3/14 – Abandoned Vehicle – Industrial Drive: At 1:21 a.m. an officer found an unoccupied Chevrolet truck parked in front of a business. The truck was running with the keys in the ignition and the headlights on. A check of the surrounding buildings showed no security breaches. No driver was located for the vehicle. The registered owner of the vehicle could not be contacted. The vehicle was impounded for safe keeping until the owner can be located.

3/15 – Application for Mental Detention and Observation – At 12:54 a.m. officers responded to a report of a suicidal person. The reporting female was contacted at the residence. She stated that she was feeling suicidal and acted in a manner suggesting that she needed assistance. The female was detained and transported to JPS Hospital for an emergency mental evaluation.

3/15 – Abandoned Vehicle – Peachtree Court: At 11:07 a.m. an officer conducted a follow-up on an abandoned vehicle complaint. The complaint came in earlier in the week as an abandoned vehicle on a multi-family housing public parking area. The vehicle was tagged at that time and given several days to be removed. During the follow-up the registered owner was contacted but stated that he had sold the vehicle some time back. The vehicle was not stolen and had not been moved at all since the original call. The vehicle was impounded as abandoned due to the original complaint.

3/13 – Forgery Financial Instrument – Tealcove Drive: At 1:22 p.m. a victim reported that a possible known suspect had received a money order for the victim?s rent. The suspect may have taken the money order and cashed it without applying it to the victim?s account.

3/16 – Recover Stolen Vehicle (other agency) – North Road: At 1:07 p.m. an officer responded to a meet complainant call. The complainant is a manager of a mobile home development. The manager reported finding a trailer on the property that may have been involved in an earlier accident. The officer located the trailer, discovering it to be stolen. The trailer was impounded to be held at the Auto Theft Task Force impound lot.

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