Two special meetings and regular monthly meeting are set …??
The Kennedale ISD Board of Trustees will conduct three separate meetings between July 23 and July 31. The first will concern the search criteria for a new school superintendent. The second will be budget workshop. And the third will be the regular monthly meeting of the school board. {{more: continue …}}
Monday, July 23 ?
A work session of the Board of Trustees of Kennedale Independent School District will be held July 23, 2018, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Kennedale ISD Staff Development Room, 140 W. Kennedale Pkwy, Kennedale, Texas.
The according to the published agenda, the Trustees will meet with a TASB consultant regarding the superintendent search process, the search schedule calendar, and the leadership qualifications and characteristics desired. There is only one action item:?
- approve leadership qualifications and characteristics.?
See posted agenda @ KISD July 23
Tuesday, July 31 ?
The KISD Board of Trustees will conduct two separate meetings on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. Both meeting will be held in the Kennedale High School Media Center, 901 Wildcat Way, Kennedale, Texas.
Work Session ? 6 P.M.
Agenda list only one item, 2018-2019 school budget. See posted agenda @ KISD Work Session July 31
Regular monthly session ? 7 P.M.
Items listed for action include
- inter-local agreement with the City of Kennedale for school resource officers,?
- school board operating procedures and code of ethics,?
- review and discussion of floodplain study report,?
- approve the 2018-19 school budget,?
- discuss and consider special meeting date of the KISD Board for setting date on public hearing on the budget and proposed tax rate,?
- review the 2018-19 student handbook and grading guidelines,?
- review and approve the 2018-2019 Student Code of Conduct,?
- discuss and consider delegating contractual authority for Chapter 41 requirement,?
- discuss and consider critical communications and intercom proposal from Lonestar,?
- conduct first reading and adoption of TASB Policy Update 111, affecting (LOCAL) policies and, discuss, and,?
- consider personnel needs of the district.
Under the Superintendent?s Report information will be presented about
- director of school safety,
- principal reports on campus procedures and improvement plans for 2018-19.
See posted agenda KISD July 31
All meetings are open to the public but the board may go into close session as needed according to the procedures as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.?