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Monday, February 24, 2025

Spring Elections are coming for Council, Board and Super Tuesday

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This spring may give you several opportunities to exercising your public duty. Texas will be part of Super Tuesday 2016 when 12 states have scheduled either a primary election or caucus on March 1. Then on May 7 local government entities including the Kennedale City Council and the Kennedale ISD School Board, hold elections. {{more}}
In the presidential elections, despite of all the words, millions spent and months of campaigning, no one has been elected to anything yet nor has anyone even won a single delegate to the two party conventions which will be held this summer. Super Tuesday in March will go a long way in determine who will be around this summer and next fall.

Besides the presidential primary contest, of local interest is the Tarrant County sheriff?s race. Sheriff Dee Anderson from Kennedale who has served for 15 years, is running against John Garris of Fort Worth, a jailer and former Air Force airport operations chief and Bill Waybourn, former chief of police of Dalworthington Gardens.

Kennedale City Council (file photo)
Locally there is the possibility of contested races for the Kennedale school board and city council. Most often the local elections are snoozers with most incumbents drawing no opposition. However, last year in the school board elections, Board President Joe Taylor won in a squeaker over challenger, Jeff Krieger, winning by 3 votes.
Both the school board and city council seats are elected at large with the city council positions elected for two year terms and the school board for three terms. There are 5 positions on the city council with 3 seats up in odd years and 2 in even years. There are seven seats on the school board with staggered elections for the seats (2, 2 and 3).
This year the Kennedale City Counci will have 2 seats up for elections, Place 2, currently held by Liz Carrington and Place 4, held by Kelly Turner (Mayor Pro Tem).

Kennedale School Board Meeting (file


On the Kennedale School Board, Place 4, held by Janet Adams and Place 5, held by Stewart Richardson are in play. Adams told the Board earlier this year that she and her husband were moving out of the district which would leave that position with no incumbent.
For these local elections, there is a one month period in which incumbents and challengers have to apply to run for office, January 20 ? February 19.
Here is some information that you may help you in the next several months.
Register to Vote/Update
  • Voter Registration Applications are available at county tax offices and libraries. You can also visit the Texas Secretary of State’s website to download an electronic version of the application. All Voter Registration Applications must be submitted to the Voter Registrar’s Office in person or by mail.
  • To be eligible to vote in an election, your Voter Registration Application must be received or postmarked by the 30th day before the election.
  • If you have not voted in a long time but are registered, you might want to update your information if your name has changed and/or you have moved.

Filing for office

  • Running for office ? the deadline to file for state/county office has passed but to run for your local school board or city office the dates to file are from January 20 to February 19. The general qualifications are to be a registered voter in the district or city of the elected office, be a resident of at least one year (may vary), be at least 21 years old, not an unpardoned convicted felony or hold another elected office.

Voting Super Tuesday Primary

  • Early voting begins on February 16 and continues until February 26 at multiple locations throughout the county and includes Saturday February 20 (7am to 7pm) and Sunday February 21 (11am to 4pm). Regular business hours (8-5) apply but in the final week of early voting, the times are 7am to 7pm.
  • Primary Election Day ? Tuesday, March 1, 2016 hours 7am to 7pm

City/School Board Election

  • Early voting begins April 25 and continues until May 3; regular business hours (8-5) April 25-29, Saturday, April 30 (7-7); Sunday, May 1 (11-4); and, May 2 & 3 (7-7).
  • Election Day – Saturday, May 7 (7-7).

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